More threads by cat22


Hello everyone... my name is Cat

I found this forum yesterday when I typed "dealing with flashbacks" in to google (seriously, google is one of the best inventions around) I'm a little uncomfortable writing a detailed account of my struggles when so many people can see. But I'll tell you why I joined after reading some things on here:

1. I am currently experiencing flashbacks, at least once a week, related to very traumatic events. This only recently started happening and I'm rather disturbed and scared by it all (an understatement)

2. I have struggled with depression for ten years

3. I get the feeling that there are good and understanding people on here and would like to meet some of you :)

On a more general indroduction to me - I am a graphic designer. I live in Scotland. I adore cats and animals. My faith in God is very important to me. People are also valuable to me and I enjoy meeting them. (Randomly I don't like Wednesdays...)

So that's a little about me (feeling vulnerable now... :peek: )

Well here it goes (about to 'submit new thread')


Cat :wave4:


There are good understanding people in here, and you will number among them. There are many insights here.

Oddly enough, I was searching google for a meatball recipe, and it directed me here.



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Welcome to Psychlinks Cat. :)....I don't like Wednesdays either...'randomly' (to steal your terminology).

...Oh, and I too suffer from PTSD ;)

Looking forward to getting to know you Cat.

And no, I wasn't searching for meatball recipes :lol: I was searching for dissociation...(Jazzey rapping Yuray's fingers! :) )


Hi Cat and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:
Hi Cat - I am so glad to meet you. Welcome to the forum - the people here are really great. Look forward to hearing more from you.

Hi Cat22,

Welcome to psychlinks forum there are a lot of very helpful and respectful people here with lots of information. No rush to disclose anything you aren't comfortable with, you can do that in your own time if you wish. There is the section where you can do so that can only be viewed by the membership of this forum.


Welcome to Psychlinks, Cat, and thanks for joining us. Please look around, ask questions, check out the various Forum discussion sections, and join in on any of the on going discussions.

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