More threads by kelmom


How are you?

I am Kellie, stay-at-home mom to 3 little ones. I am on summer break right now from college. I'm also in the process of starting my own business.

I'm here because like everyone else, i'm trying to figure myself out. I have been battling depression for about 4 years, I'm a compulsive overeater and I believe I have ADD.

Some days feel like an uphill battle. I do what I can to take care of the kids but feel that they don't get 100% of me. I'm buckling under obligations and finding myself zoning out more often than not. I am a nice person and love to be around people and to help, laugh, and love. But find myself more often than not avoiding everything that has to do with social interaction (except the internet) because I feel overwhelmed.

Life at the moment is rather hard and I find myself looking around every corner for a solution. Because I just want to be 100% at the top of my game. At the moment, i'm hovering near the bottom.

I have good days and bad days. The good days are awesome and the bad days worry me.

I look forward to being an active and contributing member of this awesome community. Thank you for having me! :thankyou2: :2thumbs:


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Welcome to Psychlinks Kelmom. You'll find a few members deal with depression around these parts - all with its good days and bad days.

Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.:)
Hello Kellie, and welcome to the forum!!

This is a great place to find both information and support. I hope you find it as helpful as I have!! :welcome2:


Welcome to Psychlinks, Kellie, and thanks for joining us. Please look around, ask questions, check out the various Forum discussion sections, and join in on any of the on going discussions.

Let us know if we can help.



Hi kelmom,

I also am a stay at home mom, though I only have one out of 5 still in school, and 2 out of the 5 live at home with us right now.

I understand how you feel. I would like to make a suggestion to you, that if you don't already, that you find some people in the same situation as you to network with outside of the home to give you some out time.

That isn't something that I did too much of without the kids while they were growing up, and I wish that I had done this as the alone time at home seems to stay with you even when they are grown.

Being an at home mom is such a priviledge, and I am honored to have been able to have done this while my children were growing up.

As they got older I did get jobs in the evening while my husband was there, and at the point that he was willing to watch them when they were older.

Welcome aboard, and feel free to post away any of your feelings as many of us know where you are coming from, and there are many who will post away and chat with you when you need it :)
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