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Bellarosegin: new member hello

Hello everyone,
Im new to this forum and not sure what to say.
Here is a bit of me......3 children......3 dogs and a husband. Ohhh and a bird. lol
I am a manager of a retail store and now a very sick husband.
Think I got burnt out or had a breakdown and right now my only concern is to figure out what happen and to get my head on straight again.
Took a leave from work. Something snapped, I could not funtion.
Is this where Im to tell about myself ???? lol Did I do this right?


Re: Bellarosegin: new member hello

Welcome to Psychlinks Bellarosegin! Thank you for joining us.

I split your post from the thread to which you replied so our members can get to meet you. Feel free to start new discussions or reply to some that are ongoing.

If you need any help navigating the Forum or using the Forum software, just let us know...we'll be glad to help.

Hope you enjoy Psychlinks!

Just getting use to this forum.
Found this place by looking for some self help.
Im not sure if Im burntout or a nervous breakdown.
Starting to feel normal but need to know if anyone can help me find the forum to fugure my head out.
Sort of lost myself and took a leave from work because I just couldn't do my job. Husband is sick and that added to the stress.
Mind ya.....this is the first time I ever realized how beautiful my back yard was.Ive been sitting in it for a month now.


Hey Bellarosegin - Welcome! :)

I hope your experience here will be a welcoming one just as mine and so many others has been! I'm sorry to hear that your husband is sick. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now.:(

Still, I can detect a reslience in your words, and a sense of humour and optimism is evident in your post, even in light of how difficult things seem for you right now. I'm glad you have the view of your beautiful yard while you are trying to sort things out. And soon I hope that your view of the many beautiful things surrounding you and your life will only expand!:D

Wishing you all the best!


Account Closed

Sorry to hear about your husband and the burnout your experiencing. But I am glad your discovering your back yard.:2thumbs:

Do you have anyone that is assisting/supporting you right now?

Glad you found us.:)
Good morning everyone,

Thank you for the kind words. My name sounds like bottles of wine but it is the names of my pups all in one.
I don't have any professional help except family doc.....hoping to get some here.

Normally Im very out going, love to laugh and joke around. Working is my life until now.
Stress overwhelmed me and I walk out, straight to the doctors and sort of blew up and cried. I don't know who that person was inside me and don't want to see it again.
I still get calls from work daily. So much for leaving stress at work.

Husband has lung, liver and many more problems. He is on a oxygen treatment and having it in the house blew my mind.
Its dangerous and he is trying to break the habit of falling asleep with a smoke in his hand.
Needless to say......I don't sleep much and the short time I close my eye a nightmare wakes me up.
Normally Im a very strong person.

First husband over dosed on pills. 2 sisters in the past 2 years died and the second on lived with me for her final few months.
I should be able to handle just about anything but I snapped.

Its about a 6 month wait to get some mental health care.

Am I able to get this here ??

Thank you
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
What we can offer you here is some support and some advice on how to cope.

However, we cannot offer a diagnosis and the support here really is not therapy or a substitute for therapy.


Bellarosegin said:
mental health care.........Am I able to get this here ??

It's unfortunate that the health care system requires such long delays before being seen by a physician. Can you rely on your family physician for supportive care in the interim?

What you can expect on Psychlinks is support from others who may have faced similar life challenges, along with some guidance and insights on where you can find other resources you might need.

As Dr. Baxter has alluded to, you will not receive therapy or any form of diagnosis on Psychlinks because treatments need to be managed by a health professional with whom you have direct face to face contact.

It sounds like you are under a great deal of stress at this time, and hopefully we can help by providing some relief.

he is trying to break the habit of falling asleep with a smoke in his hand

Smoking at the best of times is dangerous and hazardous, but smoking in bed is especially dangerous. Understanding your husband is under a great deal of stress in his own life, is there a chance he might forego smoking in bed?

Is he receiving medications to relieve his pain and anxiety at this time?

I should be able to handle just about anything but I snapped

You cannot be beating yourself up for reaching your limits. The key is to find ways to share the load of your obligations to reduce the amount of ocverall stress in your life.

Do you have family or friends nearby who can come over periodically to help?


Account Closed
What area of the world do you live in? Maybe we can find some therapy resources for you in your area. In regards to therapy, face-to-face with your own therapist is hard to beat.

And as said, we are here for support. When you have some time, grab a cuppa tea and browse the articles. You may find things here that can assist you in the mean time.:)
Hello everyone.
Wish I had found you all a month ago, but better late than never. lol
My husband is under allot of stress because of his health. Every week something new hits him. Last week he broke out in hives from head to toe....we still don't know why. The week before another lung infection.
Guess its a good thing Im off work to help him deal with his health and the fear he must feel when he is alone. I like to think that most things happen for a reason and maybe my step over the edge was ment for a reason. lol Hey, maybe he don't want me home lol Im working 10 hours a day and now by his side all day and night.
Morning Trust
I know things can only get better. This is the first time in my lift Ive went over the edge and Im trying to figure out why it happen and how to get back to my normal state of mind. I just can't get in gear to go back. Im really scared that the min I walk in the doors the mental over load will set me off again. I should also have a assistant manager but the company has taken their time so the work load is on me.
I can't afford to quit but if I go back to work and go through that feeling know I'll quit. Thing is I love my work but there has been so many changes and stress put on the manager's.
lol This is just bits and pieces of my thoughts. Hope you can read a between the lines a bit.
When I get more time I'll write to explain better and maybe someone can help me learn how to control the stress im feeling.
My husband isn't helpful and he don't want me coming in here to find help. Not sure what his problem is but it makes me feel better so he is just going to have to suck it up.


Good morning Bellarosegin!:D

I'm glad to see you back this morning and I believe it is very important to stay "connected" to a positive community of support until you find the therapy that you are seeking to aid your mental health.

If your husband cannot support your choice to come here and vent, seek advice and find comfort while you wait for the health care system to meet your needs, maybe you should just do it without discussing it with him? Perhaps he feels a little threatened by your focus on yourself and your needs as opposed to him and his needs?

I know one thing about your work - retail managers get overworked!! Many companies impose a huge expectation on these managers in terms of commitment to working long hours, endless paperwork, scheduling and overseeing others, sales quotas which equal mega pressure, and not all, but many companies do not pay their store managers adequately for the effort they expend in running a retail store! I am glad you love your work and want to return when you feel able, but it is in my mind a difficult career so KUDOS to you for all your hard work! Can you speak with your family doctor about your reluctance to return to work right now? I would recommend that you speak to your family doctor at least, before making any decision with respect to your work.

Burnout is a natural response to having too much to do and think about - too much responsibility and not enough personal down time and support from others - too much going out and not enough coming back in. You may just need to work with a therapist to discover how to cope with your workload, identify if the work you love to do is the work you should be doing, and maybe find ways to improve communication with your husband. You are frightened by whatever happened recently, but it may turn out not to be so scary after all once you can discuss it with a mental health pro - and whatever their assessment, I know you will feel relieved for having that kind of support! Maybe the family doctor can help speed up the waiting process?

In the meantime, please don't be too worried about having "snapped" because I believe you can "snap back" just as easily with a little time and understanding and the appropriate support - and the healing is already beginning with you and your courage to reach out to others! :2thumbs:

Have a wonderful day!:D
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