More threads by gardens


I just happened onto this site and after reading a few posts I thought I would join up.
I suffer with depression and am just finishing my 3rd bout. I have a lot of issues with this illness! It is a bully and liar, and I hate it.

I am now dealing with the after affects of my depression, loss of family - brother and sister ran screaming the other way. And I will be returning to work in 2 weeks and am a little nervous about it.

Let's see what else....I love to garden, hence my username and love to read. I am looking forward to getting to know some of you and reading through the posts. There is strength in numbers and my story is probably similar to yours.

I look forward to sharing.
so....hi :)


Hi gardens,

Welcome to Psychlinks. I think you'll definitely find you're not alone in dealing with depression. It's a common boat for many of us.

I look forward to getting to know you more.
Welcome gardens,
I'm looking forward to seeing you on the forum, don't hesitate to come here for support,
during this delicate recovery period.

I have a lot of issues with this illness! It is a bully and liar, and I hate it.
I like what you say, you've put it in a nutshell :)


Hey there, you joined a great forum so that is one thing to be happy about.

In my case depression is not having things go my way, but to succeed in life many times you have to do it the "boss mans way" and bite your lip, I lost a lot of jobs by doing this the "wrong way" !!
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