More threads by KDAshley


:) I was gone for a while! I have not been in touch with the Psychlinks site for some time now. I have been dealing with life and a very emotionally abusive relationship since 2009. Today I finally think it has come to an end. I got into a relationship thinking I could save this lonely soul and ended up hurting myself. I have this thing.... where all I want to do is try and save the next person's life! Especially if I hear them experiencing something I may have suffered through. Is that a bad thing????
Hi. I think it would be good to focus on your own stuff before you try to help others. :) I am glad you got out of this bad relationship.
Hello KD!

Well, I went through something similar. As it turns out, in my case, it was because of the way I was raised. I went to therapy later in life because I noticed not only was I entering into relationships with men, in the way you do, but I was also entering toxic workplaces as an employee, and regular friendships. Part of the problem was mine, because my perception was skewed by my upbringing. I had to do some serious "unlearning" and "relearning" so that I didn't keep trying to rescue people and confusing pity with love, and realizing that it's not my responsibility to try to save someone else -- they have to want to change. We can't change someone else...

I'm glad, like me, you got the heck out of that relationship and you survived to give yourself a second chance at life! Welcome back!!

Have you sought any therapy to see if you need to deal with anything?
Hi welcome back to PL The only one that can save them is themselves hun noone else okay You did good to get out of that relationship hun I hope you take time to get some therapy for YOU okay hugs
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