More threads by Hyzenthlay

I'd like to get back to you on this Hyzenthlay. First I need to confirm this person is still in practice and continues to see patients with Tourette; and then I'll send you the contact information by PM. However, due to the late hour this evening, I cannot call and tomorrow I will be unavailable all day due to a personal obligation.

If you would kindly allow me a day or two, I will do my best to get this to you before the end of this week.

I will provide you with this person's contact information, and leave it up to you to ask the questions you rightfully need to know:

My providing you the contact information won't be an endorsement of this person's competence or guarantee you will be seen. It will merely be the name of local mental health professional known to have a clinical interest in Tourette Syndrome.

As you can appreciate, Psychlinks cannot bear any responsibility for the outcome of your contact.

Of course not, and I wasn't expecting as such. I was looking for ballpark at best.

The way I understand it, the diag consists of at least a couple of interviews. Is there much else besides?


the diag consists of at least a couple of interviews.

As you probably know there is no physical diagnostic test such as a blood test or other screening device to diagnose Tourette Syndrome at this time. A diagnosis is made through observation and interview with the patient or family members.

For this reason it is important to consult a medical health professional with clinical experience in diagnosing Tourette because there are subtleties that can be missed by a well meaning but inexperienced professional.

I've left a message to get the information about the contact for you, but have not yet received a reply. It's possible my resource person is away, so please hang on, and hopefully we'll get the information soon.

Thanks for your patience.
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