Welcome aboard, Sunny. Kick of your shoes, make yourself comfortable, and enjoy a delicious pastry that I brought your stay. (I didn't wake up in time for the pastries -- I'll make it up to you, I promise.)
thanks everyone . I'm not sure where to post my comment. at the moment I'm totally lost with what to do with my current situation.
up until last Wednesday i was supposed to give 4 weeks notice in to give my house up to move in with my bf
i have a 11 yr old son who would have moved with me instead of giving my house up i wanted to try a 3 month's trial see how things went just in case it didn't work .
but ever since my bf found out about me not giving my house up he s been abusive and threatening one minute and the next he s been ok but what is worrying me is the things he has come out with 1 he said he s going to kill himself and take me with him and my son . 2 threatening to come punch my face
and he uses emotional blackmail saying i don't love him . but I'm just thinking of my son because i don't want to be in an environment were my bf gets angry because i haven't done what I'm told and i definitely don't want my son to be in that sort of situation.
my bf has borrowed a lot of money of he s parents and he said its my fault he is in debt because he was waiting for me to move in i said i would help anyway i can which i will
i do feel like i have let him down but i need to think of my son.
my bf says he loves me a lot.but its not the sort of love i want and I'm totally confused what to do because i does scare me when he s angry when he s not angry then he s great but i can't handle it when he s angry
I'll give you my advice, sunny. Don't walk, run. Get away from this "relationship" while you can still do so relatively easily nand before this man abuses you any more than he already has. There's nothing positive there for you, as far as I can see.
I wonder if you fully realize how rare it is for somone to say that. People who are just angry or depressed do not threaten homocide. I would consider getting a restraining order.
The violence will only escalate and he is already a threat to you. Calling the police would be the first thing i would do to keep yourself safe and your child.
Please don't stay there not another minute.
Your bf may be great when he is not angry, but inevitably he will get angry again. It takes one time. That's it. One time for him to get so angry that he loses control and severely hurts or kills your son or you. Rage is a powerful thing and can make someone go right out of there mind.
I am going to be honest with you. Coming from some one who grew up with domestic violence, I get really angry when I read these things (just my opinion). I know what it is like to be the kid in this situation except I was younger. All I can say to you is that if you can't leave this guy for you then at least do it for your son because it's killing his spirit. Every fight he has to witness, walking on egg shells, he is going to get more and more angry and as he gets older and starts dating maybe he will think that's the way your suppose to treat women,-my mom thought it was ok...:sorry:
I am glad you came here for support. I hope my bluntness does not scare you away. I'm just going for bluntness because I don't think this is something to beat around the bush about.
I hope you take everyone's words to heart and leave him today because you never know what will happen tomorrow. :support:
I agree with everyone here that you should get away as quickly as possible from your boyfriend for yours and your son's sake. Violent, unpredictable men in my experience never change. You are walking on land mines.
I wish you the best,
and also welcome to the forum. There are wonderful people here.
I also agree with everyone. You held back because you did not feel comfortable - please listen to your instinct, it must be telling you that it is not right to be threatened and emotionally abused! You know what he says is not right - do not feel sorry for him and stick around, he will use it against you and may hurt you big time in many ways.
thanks everyone for the advice .
maybe i should have told him sooner that i wanted to see how things went first between us before giving up my house completly.when i moved in . becouse he said thats the reason he s angry with me not letting him know sooner . and now he s indebt.
becouse he s parents was lending him he s rent money. and lending him money to buy stock for he s buisness . which i was going to move in and help pay for things has well.but i know i carnt do that now becouse of what he s like when he gets angry .
he says its my fault he s been really angry with me ok fair enough i can understand him being angry i know iv let him down .
but after saying he was going to kill himself then take me and my son with him i know i couldnt have a relationship with him again . its not the fact he said he would harm me its the fact he brought my son in to it .
all i can do is send him money wenever i have it to him .
he wants 100? pound today . i know i carnt afford to send him 100?.
but i said ok becouse i didnt want him getting angry with me again .
i think the most i can afford to send to him today is about 30?. to pay towards the debt . which he says is my debt has well.
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