I'm new here and to be honest the only reason I joined was because I know I have a problem, but don't know what to do about it. I'm 17 and a junior in high school. Problem with me is I'm extremely asocial, so I have no friends. I've told my mom about having suicidal thoughts but she sort of brushed it off, I've had these thoughts since I was at least 14, and they've become casual conversations with myself like, "Oh, maybe today I'll overdose..." or something. I haven't attempted yet.. but I've come very close. I don't know whether it's depression or bipolar, because I've had those hypomanic episodes before, I don't do anything extreme, but I feel like I've been cured of a disease when I get them. I had one last summer that lasted a long time, then a couple weeks ago I had one that lasted maybe a week or so. But because my parents don't seem to care, or are in denial, or whatever reason it is, I don't know what I can do. I've asked before for a doctor's appointment to at least discuss it, but that never happened either. I'd like to hear suggestions, because I'm afraid I'm approaching the end and it's finally time to find help outside of my little world. Thanks to anyone who bothers to read this too.