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I'm new to this forum. I'm a 39 year old female artist, graphic designer and tattooist, self-employed, and fairly wild at heart. At present I live in Switzerland, but am on my way to NZ next summer with my dear husband to begin anew. I live fairly well with an aphotic childhood, turbulent youth, and chaotic adulthood, but I sometimes find myself coping more than living. I live in the present and am not prone to brooding over the past but I often experience powerful flashback-like moments where feel the space and smell the air of a given moment. It doesn't frighten me, it just makes me feel hollow and disconnected. I also spend a lot of time trying to cover up feelings of sadness and anger with a show of cheer and humor. I would like to meet people who are dealing with similar issues. Unfortunately I have a lasting fear of psychologists and psychiatrists, which means that I haven't taken up any sort of therapy since I was a kid, but I enjoy engaging in discussion with people, so I will see how it goes here. I look forward to meeting you all.


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Re: Hey all. I'm new here.

Hi y-bloc. Welcome to Psychlinks. :welcome2:

I understand your fear. :eek: Have you thought about going to a therapist instead of a psychiatrist?


Welcome to Psychlinks y-bloc! Hope you find some insights on the Forum. Feel free to join in any ongoing discussion or start some of your own.

Enjoy Psychlinks!

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