Hey everyone.
My name is Alex, a very good friend of mine adviced me this site, so I decided to check it out on my own.
I have seen that people here are very kind and understanding, I'm a MD from Mexico city, right now not MD because I moved to Canada. Last year I was studying residence program in ob/gyn for one year.
My hobbies are:drawing, composing music, chatting on line when I can, talking on forums, roleplaying, dancing, and don't forget the main one, STUDY the Toronto NoTES for my exam(waiting for result right now)
I'm a patient myself, I'm a bipolar disorder diagnosed one, it happened al;most one year ago, currently under treatment with clonazepam, lithium and biperidene. My mood has improved since now I can work and I'm allowed to study again, yes I'm taking behavior psychotherapy and group therapy which has helped me a lot, so I think coming to this place was a great idea.
Hope you can understand me and that I understand you too, or I can help in anyway. I'm always open to chats on AIM, YIM and MSN, when I'm on line of course.
Thank you everyone.
My name is Alex, a very good friend of mine adviced me this site, so I decided to check it out on my own.
I have seen that people here are very kind and understanding, I'm a MD from Mexico city, right now not MD because I moved to Canada. Last year I was studying residence program in ob/gyn for one year.
My hobbies are:drawing, composing music, chatting on line when I can, talking on forums, roleplaying, dancing, and don't forget the main one, STUDY the Toronto NoTES for my exam(waiting for result right now)
I'm a patient myself, I'm a bipolar disorder diagnosed one, it happened al;most one year ago, currently under treatment with clonazepam, lithium and biperidene. My mood has improved since now I can work and I'm allowed to study again, yes I'm taking behavior psychotherapy and group therapy which has helped me a lot, so I think coming to this place was a great idea.
Hope you can understand me and that I understand you too, or I can help in anyway. I'm always open to chats on AIM, YIM and MSN, when I'm on line of course.
Thank you everyone.