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Thanks for the links. Usually I'm google a lot. Unless I realize I don't really have a knowledge base on the subject to start from. Googling types of therapy is nothing like googling Transport Canada's AME technical exams. I know who regulates what is aviation. I don't know who regulates psychiatry to start with. Assuming I even spelled it right. Saves me a lot of time if I take direction.

I don't mind homework or just following. But I'm not open to role play or cuddling or anything like that.

I can't remember anything that fit nicely in a box that wasn't commercially prepackaged. If I had a singular issue, I'd be muddling through it on my own. :D


Hi needaname,

Welcome to psychlinks.

I can relate to what you are saying.

My son has aspergers, which is still autisim, but supposedly the lower end of it. You sound much like him.

He wanted to go to counsling, and then he decided that he didn't want to. He started having some issues, and it was right before his last appointment. I talked to him, giving him the option of course, and told him that I think that he still needed to see the dr that he was seeing.

He also isn't good in group settings. He doesn't like parties. He has trouble being able to communicate with others. He says that he can't find things to say to others.

He has difficulties relating to others. With the counseling though, I have seen a very slight change in him. And one thing he never did before counseling was come up and just hug me. Now, he does it so unexpectedly that I am surprised, but thrilled when he does do it. He also has difficulties with emotions and seeing people being emotional.

If you could afford the counseling, I would suggest that you go. I know it might be hard to open up, but try.

Not sure if anything that I said helps you out in anyway or not. I just see so many things in what you write in regards to what I live with in my son. :)


Hi Momof5! How old is your son? I was never diagnosed with autism, just my mother was convinced of it. I don't know if I was ever evaluated for that. When I was 11, the school guidance councillor had me tested for a learning disability. There were a lot of tests and seemed to be an ongoing thing from what I remember. Eventually one of the tests was with ear phones. My hearing's just fine, but that was when they diagnosed me with APD.

I only dislike groups when I'm required to contribute something meaningful, like chatting. I do it anyway though. I like big groups when the expectations are low. Lots of people with minimal social requirements is optimal. Cities are great that way. Busy, energetic and always interesting. Or a packed club, I can dance with friends for hours and say no more than one sentence in all that time. Most dancing is restricted to my house these days with kids to look after and a husband that doesn't like to dance.

I can see some of my behaviour is like aspergers or autism, but I think I have made huge improvements in my ability to socialize from when I was a kid. My parents didn't shelter us, they sort of just pushed us out there. I had a ton of opportunities to learn and reluctantly took them. I think it paid off.

It is interesting that I have much in common with your son and i believe it was Wooby.
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