More threads by tryindbt


Hi everyone, I'm tryindbt. I am new and I recently discovered that I may have dbt due to a lot of research and q&a's in which I pretty much fit the bill in almost all areas. Not proud of it, but feel good to have a name to something that I know is a problem. And, I am glad that I am not alone. I am also surprised to find that it might run in my family. Not surprised as in "surprised" but surprised to read this could be a possibility based on my research and then finding, after some more analysis, that people in my family seem to fit the bill as well. SO, this is why whenever I try to be healthy and be emotionally aware- people in my family are always so hard to deal with and I end up falling back into square one. I hope- that knowing this is a problem they have also will help me overcome the lack of emotional connection I have with people in my family (although I do long for it and wish it was different).

- wow, that felt great to say- hope you guys will be there for me.


Re: Hi I'm a newbie...wanting to say my hellos.

Oh! Sorry, I meant to say borderline personality disorder. And I read that dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is the best way to treat it. If anyone has any advice on the best way to start working on this, I am open to hear your suggestions. thank you.

Daniel E.
Re: Hi I'm a newbie...wanting to say my hellos.

The first step would be to see a psychologist or psychiatrist if you haven't already, such as by asking your doctor (GP) for a referral.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Welcome to Psychlinks. But be very wary of self-diagnosis. As Daniel says, before you draw any conclusions, talk to a psychologist or psychiatrist who is qualified to diagnose you.


Re: Hi I'm a newbie...wanting to say my hellos.

I really can't afford to do that right now. I lost my job and funds are low. I have seen a psychologist before for depression, which has been taken care of and I am not depressed or relapse into depression. But, I am required to take antidepressants regularly as I was left undiagnosed for too long and my doctor said that I may now require medicine to help regulate normal production of certain chemicals. I was just reading up on it and found that I do some times fit the bill on 'becoming over-emotional sometimes' act before thinking, etc..but not the drug or alcohol abuse that seems to be part of the problem in the symptoms listed. I was hoping I could come here and practice behavioral therapy techniques to help me and get help from a support group while looking for employment.

---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------

plus, the doctor I worked with never really "diagnosed" me with anything. They would just listen and talk, etc..but I never really got a diagnosis. I know that I do not have bipolar or manic depression because I believe they tested for that to make sure it was not that before working with me on the depression. I was able to attend regular group therapy and one-on-one for about a year and half, but I am not able to attend right now.


Okay, thank you. I will do that. I did go to a psychologist that practiced cognitive behavior therapy. I'll look into that- thank you.


thank you car dancer! ;)

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

Thank you busybee! ;-)


thank you stp :)

---------- Post added October 17th, 2010 at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was October 16th, 2010 at 10:25 PM ----------

Hi, guys...just wanted to say that I now don't think i have the borderline personality I thought previously...and David is completely right- I should not self diagnose..I was just thinking that since I sometimes get upset quickly I might have it..but when i read more on seems there are many other things which don't exactly match up with me..SO, I've decided the best thing to do is as David suggested and read through cognitive behavior therapy to help myself and get back to a therapist when I can afford to go to one...just wanted to share this new info..thanks everyone! :)


Delayed welcome by me :eek:
I haven't even welcomed you and you've already kindly taken the time to read and reply to my posts.
Thank you sincerely for that and shall be seeing you around the forum :)

Daniel E.
I was just thinking that since I sometimes get upset quickly I might have it..but when i read more on seems there are many other things which don't exactly match up with me..
BTW, one of the founders of CBT, Albert Ellis, coinded the phrase low frustration tolerance, which relates to avoidance behaviors in depression, anxiety, and other disorders.

Also, DBT is mostly CBT, e.g:


Thank you AmZ. No worries. :)

Thanks Daniel. I was just wondering that today. I was reading up more on the CBT and looking at the online resources and thought, this reads so much like DBT..and I was not sure of the difference. I want to read more about the difference between the two...but I think I'm going to focus on practicing CBT instead of learning more about it. I sometimes emerge myself in the research of things (because I love to research and learn!) and forget to practice it with the same passion...:)
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