I am an highly sensitive person who has been having trouble at work. When I was hired over 6 years ago my boss was actually very pleasant, and during this time I actually looked forward to waking up and coming to work each day. However, time has changed the situation, and for quite some time my boss has been mostly short tempered, angry, and has drastic mood swings throughout the day. When I try to talk about work matters he tends to cut me short, walk off before I'm done, and generally act as if talking to me is painful to him in some way. When he does talk to me or make a request his tone of voice makes everything sound like an accusation. He criticizes but very rarely praises. "Thank you" and "please" are angrily spoken afterthoughts if they come at all. The problem is drastic enough that all my coworkers notice it as well. I need to know how to deal with this work situation as an HSP because quitting is not an option right now, and my work environment has driven me to depression. Do you have any advice?