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Despite the difficulties and hardships that have challenged many this past year, the Holiday season is approaching.

Are you celebrating Christmas this year or perhaps Hannukkah in your tradition, and then the beginning of the New Year 2009.

Take a moment to share your plans with us for this year?

Even if you might be on your own, your friends in the Psychlinks community will be here to provide you with the support you may need during this season, and to try to add a bit of joy to this busy and sometimes stressful time.

May the New Year be a time of renewal, and that you have the opportunity to start some new ventures and work toward good health and happiness.

All the best to you and to your family from the Psychlinks volunteer staff!


Resident Canuck
Best wishes to you too TSOW, volenteer staff, administrators and other members :D

We celebrate Christmas. This year I am going to my brother and his wife's place for breakfast to spend time with my father and grandma.

Then in the evening, it will be my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Mom, Brother, Sister-in-law and her brother and Mom and me. We all get along so well. We often spend celebrate birthdays, Easter and Thanksgiving together also. My brother married into a wonderful family.

The best gift of all this year is my Uncle was given a second chance at life. He had a heart attack, then had two more awaiting open heart surgery and came through the surgery with flying colours. It was such a shock cause my Uncle takes good care of himself. But the doctors say it was from his family history.

My Uncle is like a dad to me. No other gift can come anywhere close to the gift of life for my Uncle. :D


Family get togethers make the best gifts to ourselves and also make the best memories to remember when times are difficult.

It sounds like you are very fortunate, NicNak!


Resident Canuck
Thanks TSOW. I consider myself very fortunet. I have some very wonderful family members and friends :D

Are you celebrating Christmas this year or perhaps Hannukkah in your tradition, and then the beginning of the New Year 2009.

Take a moment to share your plans with us for this year?

What about you TSOW. What are your plans for this year? No matter what, I hope they are fantastic for you :D


Im pretty lucky this year, I get to go and spend Christmas with my family in Europe. I like going to my family as I dont have any here in Canada.
All the best to you as well TSOW and to everyone else here....


Resident Canuck
Roast gator with stuffing and another doomed attempt to beat the ladies at dominos? :panic:

I once tried Cajun Aligator. It was intersting....wasn't horrible, but so expendsive. I wish you better luck at dominos this year :hug:

Im pretty lucky this year, I get to go and spend Christmas with my family in Europe. I like going to my family as I dont have any here in Canada.
All the best to you as well TSOW and to everyone else here....

That sounds amazing to go to Europe for Christmas. I hope they have snow there too!


Roast gator with stuffing and another doomed attempt to beat the ladies at dominos? :panic:

roast gator :dimples:

boi added 0 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

I once tried Cajun Aligator. It was intersting....wasn't horrible, but so expendsive. I wish you better luck at dominos this year :hug:

That sounds amazing to go to Europe for Christmas. I hope they have snow there too!

No snow, hehe I like it that way...not so big on the snow and cold in Ontario
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Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I love Christmas time, though I am having to be very careful not to damage my voice at the moment! I am looking forward to a very swish carolling gig with the chamber choir on Thursday night at a beautifully restored old house that's now a hotel, then singing in the Messiah on Saturday night, and various other carolling gigs the week after. One of the best things we do is to go carolling at the state hospital on Christmas eve - we visit every ward, singing for about two hours in total. It's sad seeing so many seriously ill people, especially the kids and babies, stuck in hospital at this time of year, but it feels good to be bringing some Christmas cheer with us and the sound is beautifully resonant in the corridors.

On Christmas day my husband and I will go to church in the morning, then to my relatives for lunch (they're considering a picnic this year... sounds like more trouble than it's worth if you ask me!!) and Joel's relatives for dinner. A hectic day, but so much fun :)

Best wishes to everyone!


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Oh dear, really?? It means 'classy' or 'fancy'. I'm a bit scared to ask what it means in North America! :panic:


Resident Canuck
It is really intersting how English words differ in definition between countries.


What are your plans for this year?

Thank you for asking! There are a number of Christmas festivities going on in our neighborhood, and we decided to pass on the gator this year in favor of the old favorite...turkey!

We'll be sharing Christmas dinner with some friends on The Day.

However this week, our street place luminaries all along the length of the street, our homes will be decorated, some will play Christmas music, and at the end of the street we will be hosting the neighborhood with cookies and cider, with an expected visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus.

This weekend we went to the center of town where the annual Christmas parade took place, which we preceded with our annual tailgate Xmas party.

As for the dominoes...well the men are still trying to figure out why the women keep beating us at the game.:red:

IAC we expect to have a wonderful time during the Holidays visiting with friends and telephoning family and friends who live elsewhere.

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