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Hi. My name is Laura. I'm 35, divorced, and have a little girl and a little boy. I have always known something wasn't right with the way I felt about my mother and that there was something wrong with the way my mother "loved" me and treated me. A few years ago I came across the term Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I wasn't even looking for an explanation for my mother's personality. When I found this term online and started reading, I couldn't stop. I kept seeing my mother and me in everything I read, and it made me sick. For the next several months, I sufferred severe panic attacks and had to be prescribed tranquilizers and antidepressants. I eventually got used to the idea that my mother was a narcissist and that I was a victim, and my panic attacks subsided and I was able to stop using the tranquilizers but I'm still on the antidepressants just because I don't know if I'm ready to get off of them yet. Hopefully one day I'll be able to stop them, but now is not the time.

I recently had to move out of my home because of health hazards. I had to move out right away and had no money or a place to go to. My mother, being the N that she is, turned herself into the savior, made herself seem so wonderful and giving and caring, offerred the world to me. And because she's such a good salesperson (as all N's are), even though I'd been down this road before, time and time again, I forgot everything I ever learned about her and I was suckered in. She offerred to move me into her home and I accepted. What a fool I was!

Now I'm as close as I could be to my narcissistic mother and she's scooping up all the narcissistic supply I have to offer (and it's so, so very hard to keep myself from giving it to her!). Now I want to move out and I'm scared to death of her retaliation!! I've already told her I'm moving out (and I was as diplomatic and friendly as I could possibly be), but she still broke out into a horribly hurtful, narcissistic rage, attacking me to the core and making herself into a victim. I handled that pretty well, I think. But I still have to move out. I'm so afraid of move-out day. My friends (and my ex-husband, of all people) have offerred to help me move out and have been working it so they can move me out in one day, maybe even in one trip (thank God for real friends!). But what's that day gonna be like?

She will be hurtful to my friends, play the victim, possibly work herself into a rage. My dad will act so hurt and sad and dissapointed (he is her enabler and he's so good at being the victim too!). I will feel like such a horrible person and I'll feel so guilty. I just hate this! The worst part is that I will only be moving about 45 miles away because I still want to be close enough to the ex so that the children can benefit from being close with their father. Because of this, I am not truly escaping my narcissistic mother. She will still find me. I want to break off all communication with her (and the rest of the family...except for one--my sister who is treated even worse than I am by only ally). She will tell me that I'm breaking her heart because she will never be able to see her grandchildren again, and I don't know if I can be strong enough to do this. And my dad, I feel like he's her victim too, but then again I am his victim because he's always put mom first, before me. I will feel even more guilt by cutting him off from my life, but if I don't, she will use him to strengthen my guilt and eventually get her way, that is, work her way back into my life. I can't hide from them; they will find me. The only way is to develop the strength and emotional distance I need to be able to handle them because I can't physically hide from them. But I'm so scared I won't be able to do it and I'm so scared of getting sucked back into this pit again once I get out.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Are you in a position to see a psychologist or LCSW or LMFT who can assist you with creating protective boundaries with your mother?


I don't know if I am. I can say that I don't have the money, but I have insurance. I can say that I don't have the time because I work, attend school and raise my kids, but I don't know if that is true, or if I'm just making an excuse because I'm afraid to commit myself to sessions or to open myself up to someone and trust them. I want to see a psychologist, but I don't want to do it right now. Besides, while I'm living under mom's roof, she monitors every time I leave the house, asks me lots of questions, tries to catch me in lies and critizes me. Seeing a psychologist would be a huge secret to keep from her. (I don't know what LCSW or LMFT stand for).


Oh, well that is different. Then I cannot use mom as an excuse why I can't see anyone. I guess I really have to decide if this is worth it to me to try to find the time and try to make it work (seeing a counselor, that is). Thank you for the information!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Well, you mentioned that you weren't moving very far away and that it was going to be difficult to keep her at bay even after the move. That's when I think some help from a therapist would be especially useful.


Well, I did it! I went to a county services center and told them what was going on. They freaked out about it more than I did and more than I ever thought they would. They pretty much urged me to get out. Since I had no where to go, they set me up at a safe place. I'm pretty sure my N mother would never suspect I would be here, but I'm still looking over my shoulder all the time (she's very resourceful and imaginative, so she just might figure it out).

After talking with the county, I went home and took as much of our clothes and the kids' toys as I could fit in the car. Mom confronted me and wanted to know why I was hurting her so much and why I was so angry (the funny thing is I was very calm while I was moving things out so I know she was just crazymaking).

She sent a few emails to me and I deleted them before reading and then blocked sender. Her next step will be contacting my ex-husband and trying to get him to tell her where I am. He told me he's prepared to call the cops on her for trespassing and harrassment if she doesn't listen to him when he tells her to go away. I don't know if she has his phone number, but he says he won't answer it if it's her (and he already doesn't answer calls from numbers he doesn't recognize).

Today was the first day my kids aren't with me; they're with their dad today. So today is a really hard day for me. I feel very anxious and nervous, and I'm sick to my stomach today. I feel like a little puppy in a thunderstorm, like I want to hide under the bed and like I don't know what to do or where to go. I can't wait to see my kids again. They are a beautiful distraction. I like being so busy taking care of them that I don't have time to think, because this thinking is driving me nuts.

I feel guilty for escaping the N and I feel like a bad person. It's crazy that it doesn't seem to matter during these times when I feel like this that I went through years and years of abuse and manipulation. She's brainwashed me to feel bad everytime I look out for me (or anyone that's not her, for that matter). I'm looking forward to years from now when the hurt and confusion is much less than it is now.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That was a courageous step for you and your children, Laura. It's going to feel a little scary for a while but it sounds like you have some supports in place.
Wow, good for you Laura!! You have guts, girl! If it's any consolation, I felt like you do. I'm feeling a lot better now. I had therapy, and I have a couple of really really good friends who support me.

You might have a hard time believing this right now, but you will get stronger. You will see she doesn't have any power over you. If she tries to have power over you, that is if you feel she could do something to harm you physically, you can take steps to prevent it from happening. It's also wonderful that you have such a strong support group! If necessary, if she does find you, then start a journal. I would jot down the time and date, and if she mails or emails, keep a copy. If she leaves a voicemail or message on the answering machine try to record it/don't erase it or transcribe it including the time and date. If she comes to the house and tries to get in your face, don't let her in the door -- jot down the time, place, what you heard her say, or if she did anything. If she says anything to your ex husband, tell him to write down the time and date. I recommend tell your boss or someone in authority at your employment ahead of time that she is not stable and may need to be escorted out of the building by security (or if that isn't available, then someone at work) if she harasses you at work. Keep your phone number unlisted. Block her number.

Perhaps you could even consider getting a peace bond/restraining order against her (to prevent her from contacting you or coming close to you and your children/family/friends).

I had to go 'behind my mother's back' and check out things with real estate lawyers and pharmacists because sometimes I just couldn't trust my mother and she wouldn't help protect me. She would hide things from me, or twist the truth, or do unhealthy things to us kids.

If you are still worried about what she might do, talk to your supportive friends and family, and definitely I would recommend a therapist (like Dr. Baxter mentioned) because it sure helped me out. It's amazing how helpful and empowering an objective person is!!

I was lucky... My parents moved away from us. My mom had pretty much pushed every friend/relative that she ever had away from her and went far away to live in on the west coast to live with people she thinks are her crowd. Should be interesting to see how long she keeps that friend now that they aren't long distance and only visiting once or twice a year... If she had stayed in the city we still live in, I don't know if it would have been as easy. I might have ended up filing a restraining order if possible.

Hope this helps even a little bit! Hang in there!
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