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I am 5'8", so I am tall for a female. There are also other aspects of my physical appearance that I dislike and am insecure about. When people make jokes about me, I tend to get very ****************ed off. It's really hard to not get ****************ed off. People come off as really rude beings that I try to avoid, but of course I hate being alone.

My friend and her mom are both, well...not tall. My friend is like 5'2. Her mom is about one inch taller. Sometimes I feel like her mom hates me. Maybe I'm just crazy. Anyway, sometimes she is like "Talon, did you lose weight? Or did you just grow taller?" She also makes fun of how quiet I am. She told my friend that people with long legs are clumsy. My friend used to constantly tell me to "shrink". I know that she was joking, but it bothered me. One day, I got so annoyed, that I told her to "grow". She doesn't say that anymore, but she still says things like, "it must be awkward when you have long legs."

Please help me.


MVP, Forum Supporter
I think it is all perspective, I am almost 6 feet tall and I love it. I love being tall and I think that some clothes fit better and you can wear things like long coats and dresses better, and you can have long hair too if you want. Plus if you like sports you have an advantage for some of them. You could learn to love it, maybe the comments made to you are because other people are insecure and it has nothing to do with you at all. I am taller then most of the men I know too, but it still doesn't bother me. Bottom line, you have to work with what you have, learn how to play up your features instead of hiding them, I say wear high heals if you want, let the world look up to you, ha ha...
Be proud.


maybe the comments made to you are because other people are insecure and it has nothing to do with you at all

Agree! I am 5'7" and actually feel short in my family - almost everyone else close to me is 6' or more (including husband, children, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles). It took me a long time to feel confident with my height and even my overall look which is probably pretty average. I used to avoid mirrors but with my failing eyesight I seem to look better every day. Be proud of who you are. :heart: Mari
I agree too. I'm 5'3" and used to wish I was taller. I'd always wear shoes that were one size too big because I thought it created the illusion that I was taller. idea where I got that from. I'd also wear shoes/boots that had massive soles so I would get at least an extra inch in height. Once I began to really embrace my particular features, I felt more confident and sexy :blush:

But after having said that, it was a loooooong process. And I still struggle with my body image today. I think most women do? Maybe we just don't talk about it.
i agree, be proud of your height. i'm not that tall and i agree that you get to wear beautiful long coats and dresses and be really elegant with your height.

i don't think you are being oversensitive, i think that these so called friends are at best being insensitive. have you asked them to stop making these comments? if so, were they dismissive? if that is the case then i would stop hanging out with them. you don't need that in your life. you need friends who like you for who you are and aren't going to put you down.
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