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My (long-distance) boyfriend has come from a history of child abuse. He left his abusive parents (mother and step-father) a few years ago and has been living on his own with no contact with his family. He has not been able to afford to see a therapist. Today, he inadvertently saw his step-father and they had a physical confrontation.

I don't know the details of the confrontation, but both of them were involved. He doesn't want to talk to the police. My boyfriend was helped by a friend, but has a number of facial injuries. He'll be going to the doctor tomorrow.

I'm just wondering what I can do to support him.
I would think just being there to listen to him and perhaps advise him to get some professional help as well to deal with past trauma. What he needs is a friend he can confide in and trust and you being that for him will help alot. take care
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