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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
7 Ways to Meditate with a Busy Brain
by Janice Rodden, ADDitude
January 26, 2018

Mindfulness and meditation teach you to pay attention to your thoughts and emotional state so you won’t react impulsively, and will respond differently to stressful experiences.

But, when you’ve spent a lifetime with a brain full of racing thoughts, it can be hard to imagine yourself peacefully sitting in the lotus position. The little-known fact is, you don’t have to sit down — or even stop moving to meditate.

7 Ways to Meditate with a Busy Brain
It’s not possible to meditate with an ADHD pinball machine in your brain… right?


“The big secret is: You don’t have to sit in the lotus position to meditate… you don’t even have to sit down — or stop moving.” ~ Peggy Ramundo, B.S., A.C.T., SCAC

Even children and adults with ADHD can strike a peaceful state of mind with these steps.

1. Use music as your focus.
Meditation need not happen in silence.

Practice breathing in and out mindfully to the melody of an instrumental song.

2. Acknowledge and release clamoring thoughts.
When your attention drifts to something else, gently disengage and return your focus to your breaths. At first, you will repeat this process a lot, and that’s OK.

3. Don’t “should” yourself.
If meditation is hard at first, repeat these mantras:

  • “Meditation is a practice.”
  • “There are no wrong ways to meditate.”
  • “I will refrain from judging myself.”

4. Try moving meditation.
Calm your antsy body with a simple, repetitive motion – like walking – while you mediate.

5. Start small.
Begin by meditating for five minutes, a few times a day.

When that becomes comfortable, increase the length of your session.

6. Make it a habit.
Enlist a coach, a friend, or an app to encourage you to stay on track until the practice is part of your daily routine.

7. Use mindfulness in your daily life.
Meditation can help you manage strong emotions at work or at home. It teaches you to step back from the noise and put your attention on your chosen focus.

“You’ll continue to have both positive and negative experiences. But as you find it easier to settle yourself and manage your stress, you and your family will experience the wellbeing you deserve.” ~ Mark Bertin, M.D.

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