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I have four days off, which is GREAT!! And I have lots to do, and lots of time to get it done, but I have zero "get up and go"...I've been watching TV for ten hours now...and I'm getting bored of everything on.

So now I'm here...rambling about a whole lot of nothing. But at least I'm doing something. I think. :confused:

Daniel E.
I've been watching TV for ten hours now..
I only do that when I'm depressed :)

I have zero "get up and go"...
For me, the best cure for that is getting out of the house, getting some fresh air, and going to Subway :) especially since some of their restaurants are open late into the night.

(Exercise also helps, though at this time of day, it can make it difficult to sleep. But there's always stretching, walking, etc.)


Mmmm....Subway. I'm kind of hungry...I've been eating chips, chocolate, and sugar cookies all day. But I'm still in my PJs, and not really motivated enough to go out for food. Good idea though :).

I'm watching TV because then I can avoid doing my final assignment :D. Although I've said about 18 times today..."I really have to work on this."

I'm not depressed at all...quite the opposite, but in a weird kind of way, I wish I was, cause then I wouldn't feel so guilty about doing absolutely nothing.


Hmmm....a couple MSNBC documentaries - one on Reena Virk, I forget what the other two were about (clearly they left a lasting impression), a bunch of Law & Orders, ER, Two and a Half Men, a couple Addictions...

And the night is still young.... :lol:

I'm hoping one of my favourite shows will come on later...but I can't remember when it's on. Oh well.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm bored just reading this. :panic:

  • Find a good DVD.
  • Read a book.
  • Go for a walk. Tell your dogs it's a people walk and they can't come.
  • Smack a randomly selected parent and say, "You know what you did... don't try to pretend you don't!"
  • Get some real food - you've had enough sugar to drain the energy from a nuclear power plant.
  • Go serve people at a soup kitchen. Or play a few two-day-late April Fool's Day pranks like telling them you're out of soup.
  • Send invoices to all your friends and family members, telling them it's the long overdue bill for listening to them.


I'm so sorry I can't be of greater interest to you. :rolleyes:

However, you do have some excellent ideas...and your comment about draining the energy from a nuclear power plant totally cracked me up.

I managed to count the number of advertisements in the University newsletter and code them, so I've done something, if not much.

And now I'm hungry again....


I can only work on it during commercials though, and I write about one line per hour...I just have zero juice today. Maybe tomorrow, although I do my best work under pressure and it's not due til the 13th. I thought if I got it done earlier then I could chill out, but...I don't think it's gonna get done earlier.

Oh right...I was looking for food...I almost forgot.

Daniel E.
although I do my best work under pressure
Admitting your beliefs is a first step. Realizing they are wrong is the second step :D

Identify Your Favorite Procrastination Beliefs (Bliss, 1983)

  • It’s not due yet.
  • I work better under pressure.
  • I don’t feel like doing it now.
  • I don’t know where to begin.
  • I’m too tired.
  • I need to sleep on it.
  • Before I start, I think I’ll take a break.
  • My biorhythms are out of sync.
  • I need a good stiff drink first.
  • Someone else might do it, if I wait.


Well, the first seven apply to me...that's for sure. I've always been a horrible procrastinator, and all day I've been "taking a break before I start". In fact, I turned down plans to go out today because I was going to stay home and work on it.

Ugh...I'm one seriously flawed individual.


Boy can I relate Turtle. I am a master procrastinator. Maybe I should get some sort of badge or something:D

I had all sorts of plans for today and all I have done is sit and watch tv and waste time on the computer. Oh and I have also been eating plenty of sweet stuff too, cause I know how good it is for me:lol:

Daniel E.
I've always been a horrible procrastinator
I would have been less of a procrastinator in the past if I had been less depressed:


The problem with procrastinators is not just that they don't work hard. It's also that they don't enjoy their lives very much. They
put off play and fun. Focus on increasing the quality of your play. And make it guilt-free. Everything else follows.

Procrastination and Neil Fiore


I'm a procrastinator, but I can buckle down if absolutely necessary. The things is, I still have two more full days off to work on this paper, and it's not due for ten I still have lots of time to procrastinate work on it. Also, I seem to work better late at night, so I figure in an hour or two I'll get this massive burst of energy and do some work. Regardless, I almost always get things done when needed. It's just very often very last minute (although to my credit, I handed in two of my Psych papers two weeks early :)).


That is interesting Daniel, now that you mention it, I do see a link between how much I am procrastinating and how depressed I am. Of course, the way I beat myself up about my procrastination probably just makes the depression worse. Nice vicious circle there, huh?:(


It is a vicious circle, Murray, and one to be aware of. Thankfully I'm not depressed right now. I had a paper due about ten days ago and I couldn't write it - I was so depressed and having suicidal thoughts and wondering what the point of doing a paper was. I handed that one in two days late and just told my prof I'd been too ill to write. She knows about my diagnoses so I didn't have to say any more. I'm actually really, really enjoying my classes, and as a result I actually want to do the work because I'm enjoying the knowledge I'm acquiring, which, I think makes things alot easier.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Admitting your beliefs is a first step. Realizing they are wrong is the second step :D

Identify Your Favorite Procrastination Beliefs (Bliss, 1983)

  • It?s not due yet.
  • I work better under pressure.
  • I don?t feel like doing it now.
  • I don?t know where to begin.
  • I?m too tired.
  • I need to sleep on it.
  • Before I start, I think I?ll take a break.
  • My biorhythms are out of sync.
  • I need a good stiff drink first.
  • Someone else might do it, if I wait.

You forgot:

  • The dog ate my homework.
  • It was all my parents' fault.


I remember in grade seven we had a homework assignment to do. I had gotten my very first goldfish that year, but no one told me you have to remove the chlorine from their water. Well, the fish died that night, I cried, the homework didn't get done, and when I went to school the next day and explained that I didn't do it because my goldfish died, and subsequently burst into tears, I became the laughing stock of my grade seven class. Oh well. I bet not many people can claim that excuse.

I have a hoodie that says "The dog ate my lesson plan."


It was all my parents' fault.

I particularly like this one. :lol:

Turtle, I am so happy that you are enjoying your classes and are not feeling depressed right now. I think it is amazing that you are doing this! Someday I may get up the guts to try school again, but I doubt it.


Never say never, Murray.

I said I'd never go back because I don't need a degree. I've made it this far without it and I wasn't worried. I'm still not, but there's just something about the possibility that I might accomplish this that intrigues me. In the past when people asked me if I went to university, I replied "I didn't need to. I was born smart." I still believe that, but there's a huge world of knowledge out there I'm seeking.

I think what made it do-able for me was the fact that I'm only doing two courses. I could not handle a full course load, so it seems like it's more for fun than credit.
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