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Oh and I'm doing something else productive now. I'm coming up with games and challenges for my dog obedience classes. Each week they can win a prize if they complete a skills challenge, so I'm thinking up some new and more advanced ones.'s after 10pm, the creative juices are starting to flow :D.


That sounds fun.

It's funny, I am also much more of a night owl as well. I have been trying to get onto more of a normal schedule, but my brain has always functioned best at night. Glad I'm not the only one.


You're definitely not the only one. Most of my major inspiration for everything comes in the middle of the night - house cleaning, purging old clothes, lesson plans, business all comes in the night. I can stay awake all night thinking of things I want to do and change and embrace and dispose of...but then again I'm bipolar so maybe this is just what we do. :confused:

I've even found something healthy to eat - oatmeal with raisins in it and an apple on the side, along with my Perrier water :).


Sounds like some good food, yum. I just had peanut butter with little mini chocolate chips sprinkled on it. Yummy...but not a good choice.

I'm not bipolar, but I can stay awake all night at times. Lately I have really been making an effort to go to bed by 1:00am or so. Otherwise, it is normally 2,3,or 4 before I get to sleep. Do you have trouble getting up in the morning since you stay up so late?


One of my favourite sandwiches is peanut butter and chocolate chip (which, Daniel, Subway does not serve ... yet!).

I should probably have a more regular sleep schedules, and sometimes I go to bed earlier, particularly if I have to get up early. I usually go to bed around two hours after I take my meds, because they make me a tiny bit drowsy. I haven't take them yet tonight so it'll be 1230 or 1am before I go to bed. There is a chance I will pass out earlier but I have lots of energy so probably not.

I'm still getting used to saying "I'm bipolar". just seems weird.
I often too wanted to go back and take some courses of interest but just can't too many people i couldn't do it. Maybe do something on line someday that would be doable. I am the opposite of procrastination. I have things done so far in advance because i am too anxious to leave it undone. Thats with everything i do.


Online courses do sound much more doable. I admire your ability to get stuff done early Violet, although I am sorry that it is due to anxiety.
Yeh sometimes it is not as good as it could be because i rush it so much just to see it done. but when it is done then i can relax I think doing something online maybe the way to go i just have to chose what it is i might want to take hmmmm more work i don't think so not right now duh.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I often too wanted to go back and take some courses of interest but just can't too many people i couldn't do it. Maybe do something on line someday that would be doable. I am the opposite of procrastination. I have things done so far in advance because i am too anxious to leave it undone. Thats with everything i do.

That's why you're awake in the middle of the night. You're 12 hours ahead of yourself. :coffee:


I tried doing online learning but I don't self-regulate very well. I figure if I can't get the entire semester done in one sitting then I should drop out, which is what I did. I need the classroom to pace me and keep me from getting frustrated or overwhelmed and keep me from trying to read the entire textbook at once and feeling like a failure when I can't.
I can understand that feeling and having the professor there helps if there is questions you need to ask as well. You have a good point there.


When you do online you have access to a prof and a help line, so that's not a huge deal...but it's having someone else regulate the workload for me. I end up correcting my psych prof on alot of stuff, so I'm not sure I'd ask him any hard questions anyway. :rolleyes:


I agree with Violet, that is wonderful that you have that confidence and strength. I admire you for that ability.
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