I was born in Miami, Fla which makes me a Floridian. I love Isreal and was born in Miami. How can I love a place I never been to, but would like to and is a Christen? If I didn't have to take care of my wife, she has Lympheda and I am her caretaker. and if I was single and this thought came to me, I would put myself in a mental hospital for life. What does this thought mean? I taken my pills and I am calming down as we speak. You will never explain to me if this is a normal incident, these incidents are mind blowing and extremely emotional to me
I believe after a while these incidents will overtake a person, be they normal or not. I love my wife and grandson yet I have these dammed thoughts, now I feel like crying, how must hell must I endure before I brake? I was high strung.

I believe after a while these incidents will overtake a person, be they normal or not. I love my wife and grandson yet I have these dammed thoughts, now I feel like crying, how must hell must I endure before I brake? I was high strung.