Another teengager here. ... If you're still reading this, then I'm greatly honored by your commitment. So anyway, all my life people have been telling me I'm smart, my parents telling me I'm so good at everything I pursue, yatta yatta. I'm a late bloomer, and it's only just now starting to occur to me I'm not. I was never any good at sports, no one tried to hide that from me. I've had friends all throughout my life, and I wish I had stuck with some of my better friends, but now that I'm the dumb kid in the smart classes, the only people I see all day are people who are smarter than me. I'm fine with being average, but not being lonely.
It's just all coming at me at once. I've lived such a carefree life up to this point it's just hard to deal with it all. I'm not good at anything, my dreams are crushed, and I have no friends. And why does it always seem like there's some party going on that I wasn't invited to? Probably because there usually is...
I don't cut myself. I refuse to do anything self-destructive. In that respect, I'm not really a very serious case. But I'm lonely, sad, and lost. It feels like it's been so long since I've had fun. I cry a lot. And I never used to.
I'm not posting here cause I'm leaning over the edge. It's only because I've read through a lot of these posts and I think there's a lot of people here that have some great things to share. I've learned a lot already. So please, any advice for a lost kid?
It's just all coming at me at once. I've lived such a carefree life up to this point it's just hard to deal with it all. I'm not good at anything, my dreams are crushed, and I have no friends. And why does it always seem like there's some party going on that I wasn't invited to? Probably because there usually is...
I don't cut myself. I refuse to do anything self-destructive. In that respect, I'm not really a very serious case. But I'm lonely, sad, and lost. It feels like it's been so long since I've had fun. I cry a lot. And I never used to.
I'm not posting here cause I'm leaning over the edge. It's only because I've read through a lot of these posts and I think there's a lot of people here that have some great things to share. I've learned a lot already. So please, any advice for a lost kid?