Hello my name is Richard and i had strong depression when i was a teenager about 15 could not sleep at night when it was time to go to bed i felt down for some odd reason and the things i said and cryed about for example i said when i was at school i keep on smelling the smell of a man and i keep on getting an erection thinking this was sexual attraction and saying i think i am gay. After this strange happenings that happened to me i started talking to myself loudly in my bedroom about the starnge out of propertion things i rremember me doing all the time non stop like i was irritated about something making and throwing cups of tea down the toilet etc etc. And the thing that disturbs me the most is that i think i cryed with a sad song (Lonely by Akon) can it go that far? why do i beleive this? was going through my head all the time driving me mad because i also had a menatl breakdown i was giving my cousin evil looks i didnt want to do it but it was like i was being controlled by something else the doctor says i have schizophrenia. What do you think of what i am saying? I have also been put on aripiprazole a medication can depression cause schizophrenia?