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I have been separated (but still in the same house for financial reasons) from my husband of almost 26 years for 2 months now and I am having second thoughts. I don't know if the second thoughts are being caused by my doubts and fear about what the future holds for me or if I still have feelings (true love) for my husband. This is what I need to figure out and I'm going to go to therapy for. Another question I need to ask myself is that am I having second thoughts because I just want the pain to stop.

There are some bad and good points to still being in the same house. The bad points are that there is a constant reminder of what we are going through because we see each other every day and another point is that I haven't had a opportunity to see what it is really like to be separated and if that is what I really want. The good point is that we have had some really good talks.

This is really tough....we have been going through a roller coaster of emotions.


This is really tough

I hope that the therapy will be helpful for you. I think it is very difficult when you have children to care for and then financial concerns. :think: Mari



Is it possible to engage the assistance of an objective, competent third party to help in this dilemma?

Your situation is charged with strong emotions at this time, creating stress for both you and your husband. These are difficult conditions under which important life altering decisions can be made.

Getting a qualified marriage counselor, a psychologist or other impartial arbitrator involved can provide you both with your options.

Knowing your options, you can either negotiate a resolution with your husband or choose to go your own way.

Decisions can only be made with information, and it sounds like you may be missing some vital information to make and informed decision.

Is such a service available in your area?
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