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Some people think it is silly to grieve and cry over a cat. She was like a person and a friend to me. I thought she'd be around several more years. I get emails from this pet store place and they put her name in the subject line and it makes me feel sad. I miss her jumping on the bed at night and sleeping on me.
CD: I am so very sorry that you have lost your baby girl. No love is purer than that from a small child or loving pet. And, you're right, she was and is a person and a true friend. Allow yourself to grieve the pain of losing her. It may take awhile. Do things that help you feel good right now. Talk to others, share your thoughts here. We have three cats and one dog in our home and I can't imagine losing them. They are irreplaceable. Healing will come in its due time. Take care.
Sorry to hear that it's still painful for you. Pets are such a big part of pur lives so it's totally understandable that you'd miss her. Perhaps you could try channelling those feelings into something to remember her by? Like a sketch or painting or poem or whatever feels right? I did something similar when I had to say goodbye to my dog and it helped me a bit to have a project to work on for her.


Full Member, Forum Supporter
Really sorry CatDancer. I know the feeling and nothing eases it but time.
I eventually got a couple more cats and they are very nice and have their own personalities but they are never the one(s) that I lost.
My condolences.
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