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You can get another job. Even if you take something that is minimum wage for now to get you through paying the bills. One job that pays well is the LCBO. You would have to work on call as people tend to stay in these jobs. Can you use pay as you go with your cell?



Angel, I just remembered a quote that I wanted to share by a writer named Anaïs Nin.

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

For me this happened over 10 years ago. Everything that could go wrong was and I couldn't take it any more. These were my darkest days and the times I struggled most. Like the quote says, I was holding things in and not letting myself take the risk to blossom. I felt as though I would explode. Luckily for me, someone showed me how to escape, how to get myself to take the risk to blossom.

It may be time for you to take the risk to blossom. That may be saying it is time to find a new job or to make other changes in your life. Change can be difficult for many of us, but we all have it in us to be successful at what really counts - discovering our hidden talents and all that we can become. I have faith in you, I believe others here do as well.


Jon said:
Angel, I'm sorry to hear that things are bad for you right now. Hang in there. If things are so bad there, how difficult would it be to find another job? Staying in a stressful environment isn't healthy, I know as I have had my share of nightmare jobs as a contractor. The good news is that there is always something better if you can find it.

Have you tried looking for a different job yet?

We are here for you, so vent if you need to and we will get through the hard times and look for ways to improve your situation.

Well I'm looking for another job right now.. But I live in Kamloops BC and I don't know if you know very much about there but jobs are hard to come by.

I appreciate having someone I can talk to.. it's not that often I talk to anyone besides my mom and my (kindof, used-to-be) boyfriend. I know.. that's confusing too..


I appreciate having someone I can talk to.. it's not that often I talk to anyone besides my mom and my (kindof, used-to-be) boyfriend. I know.. that's confusing too..

I agree, it is always nice to have someone to talk to. Sometimes simply talking about things helps us to clear our minds enough to see somewhat clearly again.

I had to completely pick up & move away from where my troubles were. I don't know much about where you live. I'm in Oregon now and the only traveling I have done is to Germany for a month when I was sixteen, and then to England and Wales for a few years just over a decade ago...(ouch, that makes me feel old. Time goes by too fast sometimes.)

I guess I've recovered enough that I've learned to use some of the experiences I went through to help me motivate myself. That may sound strange, but experience is a great teacher if we can humble ourselves enough to listen. I'm proud of you and your efforts.
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