So to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct place to post this. I apologize in advance if it's not. My problem is this, I feel like I'm way to overly empathetic and in tune to people and there emotions. This may not sound like such a bad thing and it's probably not in many ways i.e. when choosing a career and such. My problem is this trait sabotages every date or possible dates I may have.. the dates I care about, that is. I meet a girl that I actually really like.. and so clearly I care about the outcome. I figit, get nervous, anxious, analyze and over think everything she does.
Recently I made the fatal mistake of asking out a co worker. We began speaking and having long conversations. Over 2 weeks the conversations only grew. We would leave work together and stand out by her car and just talk. I thought she was cute for sure, but then I find we have soooo much in common. I really start to fall for this girl before ever asking her out. I knew she liked me and clearly wanted me to take her out. So finally I got up the nerve to ask her out.. she said yes, no hesitation. Before the so called date we talk some more from time to time.. and I of course do what I do and fumble, act awkward, and start over thinking everything. Even worse, I made the mistake of telling a few other co workers in hopes of getting advise on the perfect first date. Well I'm confident she knew I had told others (a fatal mistake on my part I now know). So I asked her out on Monday, the beginning of the week, for Thursday. She said she picked up a shift Thursday so we settled on Saturday evening. It's now Friday and a little after noon, I get a text from her saying she's not ready to date and lets be friends :facepalm: Before I even opened up the text I saw the line, "lets be friends". My heart sank and chest throbbed with pain.. and yes i teared up! I felt it and I know she felt it but I F'd it up.
Let me clarify that I have gone on many a date where I'm not into the girl at all and always find that the girl is begging for a kiss by the end of the night (but I never do kiss them because I'm not into them). I hate this... I absolutely loath this about me. Why can't I just be like every other guy. I'm the nice guy, the sweet guy, "the friend guy". I'm good looking, have an incredible body because I workout 5 days a week, tall, ect ect. I have no problem getting girls to look at me and like me.. till I like them. Then it all goes to hell.
Yes I've got a long list of many a problem.. but this incident was just like the icing on the cake for me. I'm beyond sick of this and even more so because I don't know how to deal with it. I've tried not caring as much, but when I care I care. This is absolutely perfect, as friend material. I don't know how to cope.
Recently I made the fatal mistake of asking out a co worker. We began speaking and having long conversations. Over 2 weeks the conversations only grew. We would leave work together and stand out by her car and just talk. I thought she was cute for sure, but then I find we have soooo much in common. I really start to fall for this girl before ever asking her out. I knew she liked me and clearly wanted me to take her out. So finally I got up the nerve to ask her out.. she said yes, no hesitation. Before the so called date we talk some more from time to time.. and I of course do what I do and fumble, act awkward, and start over thinking everything. Even worse, I made the mistake of telling a few other co workers in hopes of getting advise on the perfect first date. Well I'm confident she knew I had told others (a fatal mistake on my part I now know). So I asked her out on Monday, the beginning of the week, for Thursday. She said she picked up a shift Thursday so we settled on Saturday evening. It's now Friday and a little after noon, I get a text from her saying she's not ready to date and lets be friends :facepalm: Before I even opened up the text I saw the line, "lets be friends". My heart sank and chest throbbed with pain.. and yes i teared up! I felt it and I know she felt it but I F'd it up.
Let me clarify that I have gone on many a date where I'm not into the girl at all and always find that the girl is begging for a kiss by the end of the night (but I never do kiss them because I'm not into them). I hate this... I absolutely loath this about me. Why can't I just be like every other guy. I'm the nice guy, the sweet guy, "the friend guy". I'm good looking, have an incredible body because I workout 5 days a week, tall, ect ect. I have no problem getting girls to look at me and like me.. till I like them. Then it all goes to hell.
Yes I've got a long list of many a problem.. but this incident was just like the icing on the cake for me. I'm beyond sick of this and even more so because I don't know how to deal with it. I've tried not caring as much, but when I care I care. This is absolutely perfect, as friend material. I don't know how to cope.