I suffer from Clinical Depression and General Anxiety Disorder. I'm on Celexa.....
I know that I will never be like my sister. But my parents tell me that I should be exactly like her. They can't except me for me. They expect me to be perfect, and it hurts because I know I can never be. To them, my sister is the image of perfection. It bothers me because they remind me of this every day.
I can't be like her because I have less social skills. I only have two friends. I'm lonely and quiet, but I've gotten used to things being this way. My anxiety is intense when it comes to socializing and my psych is a little overly-cautious about prescribing me too much medication supposedly because I'm only 15, or he just doesn't trust me. Anyway, I have horrible panic attacks often. My sister is supposedly more determined than I am. I am trying hard in school but not getting anywhere. I can't help that I'm not very smart. I have applied for jobs but to no avail (I haven't gotten hired!). As silly as this sounds, it's incredibly painful for me because of my anxiety around people. I want to go somewhere in life. I am honestly trying hard with what I've got.
I wish I could ignore my parents and everyone around me but it is impossible and at times like these I can't help but [edit: trigger]
. i have no one to talk to. My friends would never understand!
I need advice!!
I know that I will never be like my sister. But my parents tell me that I should be exactly like her. They can't except me for me. They expect me to be perfect, and it hurts because I know I can never be. To them, my sister is the image of perfection. It bothers me because they remind me of this every day.
I can't be like her because I have less social skills. I only have two friends. I'm lonely and quiet, but I've gotten used to things being this way. My anxiety is intense when it comes to socializing and my psych is a little overly-cautious about prescribing me too much medication supposedly because I'm only 15, or he just doesn't trust me. Anyway, I have horrible panic attacks often. My sister is supposedly more determined than I am. I am trying hard in school but not getting anywhere. I can't help that I'm not very smart. I have applied for jobs but to no avail (I haven't gotten hired!). As silly as this sounds, it's incredibly painful for me because of my anxiety around people. I want to go somewhere in life. I am honestly trying hard with what I've got.
I wish I could ignore my parents and everyone around me but it is impossible and at times like these I can't help but [edit: trigger]
I need advice!!