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Patience is a commodity that's hard to come by for many of us. It takes practice and committment. I'm just proud as all heck of you for taking these steps to get yourself on a better track for success. Keep that foremost in your mind, and realize that patience is the path that will lead you to freedom. :eek:)


Patience is a commodity that's hard to come by for many of us. It takes practice and committment. I'm just proud as all heck of you for taking these steps to get yourself on a better track for success. Keep that foremost in your mind, and realize that patience is the path that will lead you to freedom. :eek:)


I did see the therapist twice in the mean time. She is part of the mental health organisation that also advised me in 1993 to go to the mental hospital to get loads of therapy.

I told the story.

She took me very seriously and told me that she would discuss my case in the treatment team to really see what they thought would be best for me.

At the second appointment we had she told me that they had discussed it thoroughly, also had been in touch with other institutes who had seen me the last couple of years.

To cut a long story short: she said Suzette, we think it will be too heavy for you to be confronted with the past if you would start sessions. Everything is still so sensitive. You have managed yourself in a great way on track, grant yourself the patience to find out that you are already working on your future.

I did not expect this but I soon agreed. I know myself well enough that if I don't agree I stick to my own opinion, but in this case I thought she/they was/were right. In a way, I am working at my future since my past becomes more vivid. And that was my complaint: I cannot see anything. But it does come closer and on top of that I am losing water. Slowly, but it seems, securely.

I was very relieved when I got back and still am. I am on the right track.


I did see the therapist twice in the mean time. She is part of the mental health organisation that also advised me in 1993 to go to the mental hospital to get loads of therapy.

I told the story.

She took me very seriously and told me that she would discuss my case in the treatment team to really see what they thought would be best for me.

At the second appointment we had she told me that they had discussed it thoroughly, also had been in touch with other institutes who had seen me the last couple of years.

To cut a long story short: she said Suzette, we think it will be too heavy for you to be confronted with the past if you would start sessions. Everything is still so sensitive. You have managed yourself in a great way on track, grant yourself the patience to find out that you are already working on your future.

I did not expect this but I soon agreed. I know myself well enough that if I don't agree I stick to my own opinion, but in this case I thought she/they was/were right. In a way, I am working at my future since my past becomes more vivid. And that was my complaint: I cannot see anything. But it does come closer and on top of that I am losing water. Slowly, but it seems, securely.

I was very relieved when I got back and still am. I am on the right track.


That's great news, Suzette! It's funny how that word "patience" keeps cropping up, isn't it? Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, hon, and work on congratulating yourself for the great work you're doing. Patience will come, with practice. :)


That's great news, Suzette! It's funny how that word "patience" keeps cropping up, isn't it? Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, hon, and work on congratulating yourself for the great work you're doing. Patience will come, with practice. :)


Thanxxx ThatLady :) Yes, patience is the word.

At least now I know that was not the way for me and it gives me confidence indeed. Yep, moving one foot after the other...



Thanxxx ThatLady :) Yes, patience is the word.

At least now I know that was not the way for me and it gives me confidence indeed. Yep, moving one foot after the other...

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