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I have tried several of his tips and tricks with my dogs and half of them work half of the time. Is there something about his show i don't know? or is he just a hoax?


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I am guessing that the big difference is his years and years of experience vs your own modest amount of experience. I have used small pieces of what he does on dogs and people and cats with some success. I find him pretty amazing. The other thing for me is that I have met other people who have that level of understnding of animals. We hired a dog trainer for one of our pups and I have to admit it was magic to see his understanding put to practice.
My suggestion for you is to pay attaention to what you are doing. What is it that you are not doing? There is some aspect of it that you aren't carrying through. I know that your inner attitude and your consistency is very important. Also consider hiring a trainer to come to your home for some hands on assistance.
Good luck.
I have heard some negative comments about his techniques from people with dog training backgrounds. On this forum for example,

I think Brad Pattison's techniques (At the End of My Leash) seem effective even though a lot of people find his "people skills" to be lacking. Personally, I am partial to Stanley Coren (who is also a psychologist) - he had a show called Good Dog! Not sure if either programs are available outside of Canada though.


Full Member, Forum Supporter
Is it safe? For that I would go back to their disclaimer recommending that you shouldn't try certain things outside your skill set. I apply that to tiger training and knife throwing too. :)
I have seen Cesar do things which I would not feel comfortable with because I don't have the skill. I take the disclaimer as wise council. Any task where you lack the skill could be dangerous.
I think you sumarized my feeling about that Brad fellow. I can't watch his show because his manner bugs me. But he seems to know more about dogs than I do. I am not sure if I have seen Stanley's show at all.
The things I feel good about with Cesar is that the pyschology and response really makes sense. It feels grounded to me - I am not a dog expert. The other thing is is open display compassion for dogs and people.
If he or Brad or Stanley are saving dogs and helping to join them with families then they get my vote even if they might have some flaws.
I think I have only seen one episode of the Dog Whisperer - so not to worry - I was only raising the question because I know others, such as Turtle and some acquaintances in real life, that have issue with his methods. So I just offered some alternatives.

I am really not one to talk - the only thing my dog does on command is breathe and sleep. I watched dog training shows and read books for DECADES - then when I finally got my dog, all that went out the window! In my mind, I was going to have Lassie (who would save me when I fell down a well) and I ended up with :homer: Santa's Little Helper.:bart: :lol:


Full Member, Forum Supporter
...Turtle and some acquaintances in real life, that have issue...
You know Marcel... I am real!!!! :)

I loved my dog dearly and we did come to an understanding but he mellowed with age and it got easier. My dog use to look up to Santa's Little Helper. I once put the fireplace screen in the middle of the living room floor with him on one side. I put his favorite ball on the opposite side. He wanted the ball so bad that he kept scratching at the screen. For the love of me I can't figure out why that dumb lovable dog didn't walk around the 4 foot wide screen to get his ball.
I have respect for you and your dog. :)
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