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to feel that their behavior/action is a better indication of who they are then what they say based on questions?


Yeah but isn't it thought that narcissists should naturally come off cold and cocky? Not ask for help? I feel I may have NPD but I don't believe I come off cold and i have no issues asking for help because i have ambition and goals in life (and at this stage, i just see no other option)..both may seem to go against the regular person with npd...though if you were to see the behavior it may be pretty obvious.


I guess i'm just a little annoyed when doctors spend 5mins with me and tell me i'm depressed and have anxiety..when i'm not depressed at all and don't believe anxiety is my primary problem. I don't like how the medical/psychology community jumps to conclusions fast and puts you always in the most "common" category when those aren't even your problems. or at least thats my experience.

Daniel E.
Well, in my experience, there is always a one-hour evaluation that takes place when I see a new therapist or psychiatrist, even though I have already been diagnosed before. And the first time I saw a psychologist (other than for shyness), it took a number of sessions before I got a diagnosis of OCD.


I've only seen my GP so he is the one i'm referring to. He has referred me to a psychiatrist but a long long wait...6months.


Just jumping in here. Going with what Daniel said, It has taken me years to get a couple of my diagnoses.

If you have an appointment with a psychiatrist, maybe it is best you just hold out and wait and see what he/she says. Maybe the GP was just suggesting what he thought might be the problem and not necessarily diagnosing you. I think you will be a lot happier being able to talk to someone who specializes in mental health, for a longer amount of time, so they can assess you more thoroughly.


Yeah, I understand that. It is typically a long wait to get in to see a psychiatrist. I actually didn't find a psychiatrist for 2 years when I first moved here. Have you thought about getting in to see a therapist at all? Even if it's just while you wait for the 6 months to go by, it would be someone to talk to and that helps a huge amount.


I am not working and my issues have made it basically impossible. right now im living of some payout money from a home when it didnt progress to this level.

it honestly seems the people most vulnerable face the toughest situations.


I don't know where your located but I know in Canada you can get therapy pro bono or on a sliding scale so it's not as bad. Maybe there is something like that where you are? Or as Daniel had suggested to me, you could check out the University and see if they will help you out. I'm not sure if that would be free therapy or not.

It rains on those that deserve the sun. lol Maybe that's not the saying. Someone said it to me once, it's something like that anyway.
I think your right about some vulnerable people having to face tough situations. Haiti is a prime example of that.
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