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First of all, I’d like to say that I am only looking for serious answers and I ask that if you do choose to help me, you read all of it.

I am a 16 year old boy living in Canada and for the past three years I have been struggling with what I think is depression. I want to ask my mother or my doctor about my “problem” but I feel that they would doubt me because I am only 16 and because many teenagers feel sad during these years but not all of them are actually suffering from depression. In other words, I don’t think I would be treated as seriously as an adult would be.

Ever since the 8th grade I have been feeling sad and unlike myself. Over the past three years I have lost interest in many things I used to be passionate about and I have lost virtually all self-confidence which makes being a teen very hard. Three years ago I had a loud personality, I was outgoing and funny and when I woke up in the morning I would be excited to live another day. Now, it is completely opposite. I have very few friends because I just never talk anymore. I don’t have the energy to be outgoing and to go out with the friends that I do have. I have no motivation to do anything. I miss school all the time because I either fake sick or beg my mother to stay home.

I have thoughts of suicide many times each week and most of the time I can’t pin-point exactly why I am sad. There are some rare days where I do feel happy and I go out and do things but it doesn’t last very long. Also, I try to work-out 3 or 4 times a week to improve my health but of course, I usually only do it once a week because I lack motivation. Usually after working out I have a rush of happiness that makes me feel like I could do anything but that too never lasts long.

I have put off telling anyone about this for so long because I thought I would get over it and that it was just typical teenage behaviour but now I feel that I need help.

Please tell me if there is anything my doctor could do for me and if you think that this actually is depression. I don’t know what to do anymore.


Hi Phil,

Welcome to Psychlinks and thanks for sharing your concerns with us here.

More and more research is showing us that for many people, depression sets in during the teen years, however, it is overlooked because so many attribute it to just being a teenager.

I think you are absolutely correct to be concerned and wanting to get a handle on this right away. I would strongly encourage you to speak with your doctor. He or she can evaluate you and recommend a course of treatment for you that is going to help you move through this.

You don't have to live this way, Phil. Depression is a treatable illness and there is hope.

You sound like an extremely intelligent and caring individual. I hope you will seek out the help you need from a qualified professional. Here at Psychlinks we can't make a diagnosis, so I hope you will contact your doctor or high school guidance counsellor for additional assistance.
it sounds like it very well could be depression. i would definitely talk to your doctor and your parents about this. like turtle said there is no reason for you to continue to suffer because there is help available and depression can be treated.

good luck, i am glad you posted. let us know how it turns out :goodjob: oh, also when you speak to your doctor tell him exactly what you have told us here.


Hi Phil and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I just want to say that I agree with everyone else's advice about talking to your family doctor about how you are feeling.
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