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hello everyone,
therapy is going very well for me. I was wondering about other people's experiences. It seems like every week in between sessions I start thinking about things, well, obsessing about things about myself. I come up with all these revelations. For example: I noticed that all these things I find wrong with myself are actually just "me". Is therapy about changing things about myself or accepting myself as I am and realizing that these aren't wrong things about myself, I am just different. I know that I think differently than a lot of people. I always thought it was because I was not as smart as other people. Everyone else can do better things than me. I worry about saying to many things about myself and then people will think that I'm annoying. I know I am highly sensitive to my environment. I pick up on vibes and I let them affect me. therapy about accepting things about ourselves or changing them or a bit of both?


Re: is this what is supposed to happen in therapy?

Hi Boi
boi said: therapy about accepting things about ourselves or changing them or a bit of both?

I think it is a bit of both, but I am not an expert in any way. I think through therapy you learn to look at things in new ways and change maladaptive thought patterns and actions, and that you also learn to accept and appreciate who you are. At least that's what I am hoping for.

I am glad to hear that your therapy is going well.

boi said:
I always thought it was because I was not as smart as other people. Everyone else can do better things than me. I worry about saying to many things about myself and then people will think that I'm annoying.

I can so relate to feeling this way, sadly. Hopefully through the therapy process you will start to feel better about yourself.


Re: is this what is supposed to happen in therapy?

I agree with Murray, boi. It's a bit of both.

Therapy can help us change thought patterns, reactions, how we see and experience and respond to the world around us. There are certain things it can't change. All the therapy in the world isn't going to change my diagnosis. There is something I need to explore in therapy when I'm ready (which may be "never") but I know going in therapy won't change it - I'm looking for it to help me accept it and be at peace with myself in spite of it. is a bit of both, and when there's a meshing of everything, it just feels right, and good.


thanks murray and turtle,
I think I'm already starting to say to myself..."its ok to be like this"...instead of thinking its a problem.


that is so great to hear boi! Sounds like you are making some real positive gains in relation to how you see yourself. Keep up the good work.


That's good to hear, boi. Part of the journey of therapy is the journey towards self-acceptance. Not to sound cliche, but changing what we can, accepting what we can't, and being wise enough to know the difference.
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