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Hi yall,

We just returned this week from our trip. We had to put our aunt into a nursing home. It was very sad but necessary. She is doing ok considering.
The trip was 2500 miles of driving so we were wiped out coming back.

I have not been able to locate a therapist back here yet but I got a referral today to someone that deals with complex PTSD/bipolar illness. I called him but haven't heard back yet. I feel like I a lot of confusion is coming back and I can't focus, don't want to go anywhere, and am getting scared much of the time. I have a psychiatrist but my appointment isn't until mid April. I really need to see the therapists before things get worse so wish me luck.

Has anyone heard of the HCG diet? They give you HCG (the pregnancy hormone) and you are on a 500 calorie per day diet that consists of vegetables, two apples, and 7 ounces of protein. No fat, no dairy, no carbs.
Since I have diabetes I was wondering whether this might help me with some of the weight gain from all the meds.

I will try to catch up on everyone's posts. Take care. Missed you all.




Hi TG,

Glad to see you back again :wave:

I am sorry to hear about your aunt but hopefully she will adjust.

I hope you hear back from the therapist that you called and you get an appointment soon. In the meantime, can you call your Psychiatrist and ask for an earlier appointment? You may want to talk to him about what you are dealing with and how you are feeling and the possibility of a medication increase.

I have never heard of that diet but I would think (and if someone knows better please correct me) that given that you are a diabetic, it would not be enough food to sustain your sugar levels all day. Again, I am not a medical doctor nor a nutritionist but have some experience with dropping sugar levels. I would definitely talk to your doctor before starting any such diet. To me it sounds very much like a "fad" diet that promises quick results.

Take care TG and again...great to hear from you :)


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I'm happy to see you back TG! We've missed you around these parts! :)

And I hope you'll be able to rest up from the recent commotion. As for the diet, I'll be very candid with you - I'm really wary of any diet that only recommends 500 calories a day. This for me is the red flag to a real potential disaster. The minimum calories you should be considering is 1500. Anything below this will not sustain you during the day...

To add to this is your concern about your medications and diabetes - I hope that you'll discuss all of this with your doctor. Too many factors involved here TG...Please don't play with your health here... Any diet that you choose has to be with the blessing of your doctor....

Missed you lots too -and please take care of yourself :hug: :hug:
Thanks yall for your kind responses. I did call my psych's office and April was a compromise earlier date than May! Anyway, I did go to my regular doctor on this HCG thing and they recommended it and will be following me. I need for them to work with my psych though too since it's all intertwined. I also have big spikes up and down in blood sugar (which they think it partly from my psych meds too). I am definitely working with the docs.

On the therapist, I need that most right now. Hope he calls me back to set an appt by tomorrow. Night yall. Glad to be back.




Glad to hear that you are working with your doctor together with your psychiatrist to make sure that you have all angles covered. I am still concerned though about only have 500 calories a day. It does seem quite drastic but again it is up to your doctors to come up with the best plan of action for you.

I too hope that the therapist calls you back. Please keep in touch and let us know if he does.

Take care
:hug: :hug:
Anything under 1000 calories is considered a starvation diet I believe. Also because your a diabetic you have to eat at certain intervals because if you don't it's disaster waiting to happen.

Good luck on whatever you decide.

I haven't heard back from the therapist so I am going to call him again today. I am calling my regular doctor again about the diet thing. When they put me on it, supposedly the HCG causes the body to use its stored fat and the fat in the cells is available to nourish the body. I am concerned as well so we keep yall posted.

Wish me luck on the therapist. Thanks everyone!



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Update - got an appt for tomorrow for the therapist. I am a little scared to get back into therapy but I feel like I need to do it.

Just wanted to let you know.


Hi TG,
Great to see you .
I am sorry about your Aunt , but now you know she is safe , I hope she adjusts as quickly as possible , and there is one great advantage for her , she will be with people and probably make new friends.
I am glad you are seeing your therapist tomorrow , keep us posted on how you get on .
there are many studies done on diabetes , and the type which is induced by
overweight etc. Is controlled much better and even avoided altogether by regular exercise , I think you know this already :)

take care :hug::hug::flowers:
Hi Texas Girl I am glad you got an appt with therapist take care and definietly keep in touch with the doctor regarding this diet. Take care glad your back mary.
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