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As the title says, just struggling. I got rid of everything yesterday. And, tonight, I'm just finding it hard.

But, I know that I can't do this anymore - so any ideas are welcomed..


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Re: Just struggling a little tonight.

Yes, that is the plan very soon. ;) I need to start being more active...:)

Thank you, STP. :)


Oh wait...that's how I got in trouble before. :D Although I'm sure window shopping would be ok....just go without your wallet.


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That may be what you need to do but what do you want to do that you haven't been doing in the past year or so?

Ideally, I want to be athletic again - cross country ski etc...But, I don't have that energy in me right now. It's harder to look at that bigger picture.

There you go..A girl after my own heart...But no, still paying off bills from a prior frivolous purchase. :D Now looking at travel for my 40th...:)...(I'll let you know - St. Thomas, or St. Marteens....:) )


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:) ok, all kidding aside...I'm really finding it tough tonight to fight off the urge. I don't mean to sound melodramatic. But, I really am finding it difficult.

I know I'm "too old" for this - but, it's just where I am right now...


Ideally, I want to be athletic again - cross country ski etc...But, I don't have that energy in me right now. It's harder to look at that bigger picture.

There you go..A girl after my own heart...But no, still paying off bills from a prior frivolous purchase. :D Now looking at travel for my 40th...:)...(I'll let you know - St. Thomas, or St. Marteens....:) )

For me, St. Thomas wins only because (1) they have Louis Vuitton shop, and (2) Megan's Bay beach. I tell ya, I'm not a beach bunny by any stretch of the word, but I totally fell in love with it when we were there last Feb. White sand, baby blue water.....oh man I miss that. The 3 or so hours we spent there were the highlight of the trip for me.


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yes, I love St. Thomas...One of my favorite places. :)

I've distracted myself and now I'm shortly off to bed. :) Goodnight. :)
Hey glad you were able to distract yourself a bit. I hope sleep comes easy for you and the rest will help you feel better. Work day tomorrow so hopefully this will help you as well. Take care Jazzey I hope you enjoy your trip it sounds wonderful. Dream of all the nice beaches and places you will see.


:) ok, all kidding aside...I'm really finding it tough tonight to fight off the urge. I don't mean to sound melodramatic. But, I really am finding it difficult.

I know I'm "too old" for this - but, it's just where I am right now...

Are "you" too old, Jazzey, or is the pain too old? There's a significant difference. I don't think we're ever too old to feel and respond to pain. But sometimes, when it feels like the pain will never go away, we feel like we should just "buck up" and move on. And that's what we try and do, without dealing with the pain, regardless of how old we are.

I hope you find some peace soon.


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Thank you Persona. And, I do hear what you're saying. :) You're right, I'm more of the 'buck up' and move on type. But, I'm working on it and, I know I will find that peace....slowly but surely. :)


I'm glad to hear that.

Breaking those patterns of thoughts and behaviors that lead us to want to self-injure in the first place is the hardest part. Self-injury is a conditioned response. But changing that response can take alot of work, and most of it doesn't feel good.'s very worth it in the long run.
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