More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Kendra?s Law Works
Treatment Advocacy Center
Julu 9, 2009

The results of an independent evaluation are conclusive, New York?s Kendra?s Law for assisted outpatient treatment works.

Conducted by Duke University Medical School for the New York Office of Mental Health, the study details how this 10-year-old law increases treatment for people with severe mental illness. As one would expect, as treatment increased the negative consequences often associated with mental illness?hospitalizations, arrests, suicides, homelessness and violence?decreased.

The results send a strong message to eight states that have not officially adopted assisted outpatient treatment and the many more that use this proven option too infrequently. Since the passage of Kendra?s Law in 1999, critics have fostered a wide range of misconceptions about assisted outpatient treatment. The results of this study put to rest those myths. The New York model is a success.

For next steps, neighboring New Jersey Governor Jon Corizine should sign the recently-passed legislation establishing a form of assisted outpatient treatment there. New York should act to make Kendra? Law permanent. The 48 other states should read this important report and see how fully implemented assisted outpatient treatment can help provide treatment to those with severe mental illness and make our communities safer places to live.
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