Hello , to all of you who wonder why we did it how we could and why you what did you do wrong? i wanted to clear some things up cause still today as i slowly get better it frustrates me to see how much blame you guys have on your shoulders cause well first and foremost it is not your fault we are not doing this to get back at you in any way try to understand as hard as that may seem that we are mad at ourselves it is our body that we are destroying if we wanted to get back at you we would have probably rebelled or something else instead of being overachievers. This is not your fault it is not ours either in the mids of all the circumstances that we go through we just didn't want to deal so we found a way that we thought would help us get through the time but we got hooked we became obsessed it was a way out that was convenient a time ago when it was not too serious but the control we constantly looked for and thougt we had was lost some time long the way. but i wanted you all to know that it is not your fault try to think of it as someone in your friend or your child or your sibling that is ordering her what to do we have a mini dictator in our head and if we don't obey that we lose. We keep trying to make her happy this mini dictator but we will never be good enough. we love you and we don't want to hurt you it is us that we don't like but cause we refuse to feel to live we refuse to be normal don't get mad at us just tell us that you love us and one day that will be enough!