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Its been a long six months and the light at the end of the tunnel keeps flickering!

I have a very supportive husband which is good but for the 18 years i have been with him i have had ROCD on and off and now, i keep trying to remember the good times but you know what! i have had it so long I can only remember the times when i have doubted,and fear that i will never feel happy to be just where i am in life!

It sucks that life is full of choices and the choice i have made is to be where i am, with who i am with, but really dont want to feel like this, just want to KNOW i have made the right choice and stop testing my life!
Relationship ocd, basically it makes you doubt everything about your relationship, i.e. do i love him enough? Is he good looking enough etc its a nightmare but then any form of OCD is a nightmare but its a harder one to handle as the question " what is love?" "how do i know" etc is hard !

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I see. "Relationship OCD" is not a recognized diagnosis, nor is the acronym. It would be helpful if you would use standard designations or explain the non-standard ones for us.

Have you been diagnosed with OCD?
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