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This is my first time ever posting anything on the computer. I am desperate and need help from anyone out there that can help me.
My daughter was recently diagnosed with the traits of borderline. This has been ongoing for over 1 year.We have been to a few counsellors in hopes of getting the help she needs. But so far no luck. I have been desperately trying to find a group that she can get involved with that teaches DBT for a 16 year old. I have only found help for 18 years and older. My daughter is telling me that she will be going to God soon. She does not have the energy anymore to keep fighting. She is on Effexor XR 225 mg daily, Seroquel 50 mg bedtime and Perphinizine 12 mg bedtime. Is there anyone that can help me save my daughter.



Do not despair. Help is available. Start by going to Caversham bookstore and pick up the grey, soft cover book titled Help For Borderline Parents- or something like that. I was there the other day and there are a few copies. It is invaluable. Read it. You are not alone and you must take control of the situation and not let the profound emotional power of your daughter's condition overwhelm you. it is imperative that you take control of yourself and the situation. Get that book.

There is the always popular - Stop Walking on Eggshells- get that too.

Not so sure meds are indicated here - or generally for BPD. Be careful, watch her.
If she is 16 - check out Youthdale in Toronto. Call up intake and see if someone will see you asap.

Also - see if there are any Parents for Youth Groups still running in Toronto. They are the #1 way for parents to learn to handle all situations with all kinds if kids at all ages.

BPD young people require firm boundaries, structure, love and calmness. They respond very well to our firmness and clear boundaries with meaningful consequences.

In emergencies- call the Gerstein Centre. They will come to you - but call them before the situation escalates any further.
Check out Intake at all the United Way Agencies- Family Services Association; Delisle, Jewish Family Services; Children's Aid Society. make appointments with Intake and collect information and get into the system that can help you and your daughter.

Also - there is lots of good information now on the net. be selective - but help and recovery are all possible and your daughter must be part of this. let her know this is a condition - it is not her. Like most mental health issues - recovery is generally possible and it is not drugs and psychiatric shenanigans. Educate yourself and her.
She can learn about herself and become a happy functioning person. Patience. Commitment.

Good luck


Welcome to Psychlinks, newforme.

Just an FYI: This thread is a year old and Liza has not logged in to Psychlinks in quite some time.

That's OK because it just helped me! I'm going to look up some of the resources you mention, but I agree with the poor woman with the 16 year old.... I have not yet found DBT services available for under 18 - some are strictly 19 and over. Very tough.
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