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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Deborah hospital said the heart failure "could" have been caused by numerous things, the disc pressing on the cord one of them, makes sense if the swelling is from pheripheral nerve disease?
Do you mean Victoria Hospital? I think she was on Dallas...

I know these things acn be highly worrying but the best strategy is to assume the best and just keep an eye out for anything unsual -- and if you find anything unusual, call Deborah or Victoria immediately.


Thanks David I will. I won't over or under react right now. OR, lol I'll try not to.

Leg is a bit swollen toinght, but I have been on it a bit more then usual today. (Deborah heart and lung is supposed to be pretty well known ;>) lol.)

Dallas, shheesh, gotta teach you soo many things ;>)

Off to study the greatness of css and all that good stuff. Focusing on CSS is good for the mind, or is that the soul? Or maybe soon the pockets? lol


The swelling in your extremities can be caused by the rapid heartbeat interfering with the heart's ability to pump blood fast enough to bring about proper circulation, allowing blood to pool in the legs, ankles and feet. This is a classic with congestive heart failure. It's usually treated with a diuretic, like Lasix, but with your blood pressure so low, I doubt they'd want to use lasix...unless it would be in a very low dose. It's certainly something to discuss with the doctors, and make sure they realize that your legs are swelling.


Wow, congestive? heart failure? That isn't anything that they mentioned. Now that is scary. I know the progression of CH.

Just made me concentrate on that quiting smoking harder, thats for sure. Not that its going to reverse anything.

The altace, and the other med, was one of those considered a diuretic?


Neither of the meds you mentioned is a diuretic, Mom. Metoprolol (Lopressor) is a beta-blocker, and Altace is an ACE inhibitor. Both are used in the treatment of heart failure.

Congestive heart failure is only one kind of failure. There are others. I don't know enough about your diagnosis to say what type you might have had. I can say that a heart rate of 101 isn't all that fast, really. The problem is the blood pressure. It's way too low when it gets down into the 70s and 80s. Circulation isn't being well maintained.

I'd go ahead and get in touch with the people at Deborah hospital to let them know of the problems you're having and get their take on it. These blood pressure problems are not something that can be allowed to continue untreated.


Thanks That Lady, I'm soothing my soul right now by ording curtains for my bay window, the kind that I want, not my mother in law thinks I should get this time ;>O. New curtains for the patio doors, which are about 20 years old, and glued to the max. And new towels. When you get to the strands of the towels. and bits of the wash rags in the tub, its time to insist that things need replacing. And it seems that the only time I get things replaced is when "He" is in the dog house. Of which he is in big time right now. Us women need to do things the right way sometimes ;>) besides, I'm a really great bargin hunter. I found kitchen curtains for 2.66! good deal eh? Clearence racks here I come, lol. I'm a woman with a mission today world, watch out. Not even an atomic explosion could keep me away, Hear that David?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Sales, coupons, bargains... my kids make fun of me but I like feeling like I got a good deal.

New motto for momof5:

Raising husbands is like trying to nail scrapple to a tree.


David Baxter said:
1.Sales, coupons, bargains... my kids make fun of me but I like feeling like I got a good deal.

2.New motto for momof5:

Raising husbands is like trying to nail scrapple to a tree.

1. Got to get those bargins, only way to get things you need. WE have less children to buy for, but prices are higher, go figure, lol.

2. LOVE that motto. roflmso! heh. (laughing my scrapple off) ;>)


lol what toys?

Seriously, we really don't get them expensive things. Adam, if he wishes for things such as his paint ball gun, he works for that. He and the neighbors boy work on peoples lawns, and he earned the money to purchase that and the supplies that go along with it.

Christmas and birthdays they get their gifts. I never thought that expensive toys were necessary other times of the year. Small little things through the year were fine. Clothes etc.. are needed. Video games etc.. not necessary. Yes, I'm tough, but. I think it teaches them that things that are necessary are more imporatant then other "stuff". If that makes sense?

Besides, I have a difficult enough time getting my oven that I need let alone them getting the "toys" lol.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That's just an expression, Deb.

What I meant was that EVERYTHING kids need seems to get more expensive as they get older and most of that isn't because of inflation or rise in the cost of living. You'll discover that when you have your first grandchild...


OOOOooo I can't wait to have grandchildren! But first things first. daughter and hubbie have things to work out first. Already they are in counseling. Thanfully at least they are in it. I just wish knowing what I know now, that daughter would have waited to get married. She is not with him right now. She temporarily left and is with one of her friends. She did the right thing. And she is smart and won't go back till these issues are resolved.

I told her that sometime this cycle has to stop. In a way, I feel like I wasn't a good example for her. I stayed when I should have tried to find a way to leave. Staying isnt' always the best thing to do for the kids. But second guessing isn't always the best thing either. And My hubbie doesn't know, I was told this in confidence as to not tell him. Or anyone else. I hope this doesn't count? If it does, delte this for me. Life, sure is interesting for me isn't it? ;>)
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