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Maybe I am a weirdo, but lucid dreaming is an occasional hobby of mine. :mrgreen: Anyone else here have dreams where you know you are dreaming and do cool fly? Sometimes I have so much fun in my dreams that I wake up from them. I've actually fallen asleep "awake", passing through sleep paralysis (only scary if you are to fight it) and into imagery dropping right into a lucid dream. Sleep paralysis is weird, you feel this weird static sensation and weird colors, buzzing sound, can't move, then you feel like you are falling and drop into a dream. Strange but interesting.

One of the more interesting lucid dreams I had was:

I was standing on an incline at the bottom of a mountain. It was lush and green and the sky was amazing with a rainbow diving behind the mountain. I started to take a picture of it then heard gunshots. Some militant guys with guns were shouting at us (me and my b/f) and told us to sit down. Well, they had guns so we sat. They came over and told us to go with them that we were under arrest. They had Russian accents and spoke in a weird language when they talked to each other. They led us into a generic building resembling several things, a school, a mall, an office, a hospital a police station...etc. They left us and we looked at each other and said lets get outta here!

We ran out of the building and I felt the most oppressive feeling as we ran out to the 10 lane highway in front of the lonely mountain. It was gray and hazy and we started running across the lanes. Cars would just appear out of the haze and come strait at us from the right. We reached the median and a car coming from the right got onto the median and tried to run us over. We barely made it across the other 5 lanes. We went down a little hill and there was a gravel lane than went through a series of tolls and such. We ran down the lane and reached the first toll and my b/f said it senses the cars by weight so it won't pick us up. We ducked under the barrier and heard an alarm.

Some Arabian guys started shouting at us in some weird language. A huge black German Shepherd was lunging at the fence on the other side of the toll booth. They let him out and we started running but not fast enough so we ran like dogs on all fours and got out of sight. Then there was a tent instead of toll booth. We reached it and an Arabian boy stepped out from behind a rusty door and a pastry appeared in my hand. He said squeeze it one time for pink, I looked at him and my b/f and said "why is there so much math?" I squished it once and pink jelly came out. "The numbers are so real!" I ate it and it was really good and handed him a penny and he smiled. Then we walked around the tent and it was made of the most beautiful psychedelic fabric that you could see through.

We decided to hide inside from the guys with guns who were still looking for us. We could still hear them shouting. There was a wooden bench in there that I was going to sit on but it was covered in ****************. I walked away form it and there were silk pillows piled up all pristine and clean. I laid down there and my friend Rene was there. She haded me a beautiful handmade wooden thing. It was flat kind of banana/sword shaped stained dark brown and had the name of a Island on it. She had several of these and they were varying in shape, size and color. They were all on a key chain and she told me that they were all the places she had traveled too.

Then my mom handed me a small white plastic Roman architect building. I turned it around and my brother and his g/f were on the steps. She said they had been there and then handed me another one similar with them on it but it floated as if weightless. She told me they went in space to that one.


Heh, you're one of the only people i've seen talk about doing this (Other than me), i'm starting to think it's not that common but perhaps people i know are just unlucky!

Unfortunately i can't seem to induce it, which is a shame because when it happens it's really fun.

Recurrent dreams generally involve either Flying, Superman-Style, over various places or various other things. Interestingly, when it happens i can usually control things such as my height, direction, speed and i actually think that i can feel the air resistance and the adrenaline dumps associated with it. Although i can't stay in these states for an extended period of time, often snapping out of it when i'm enjoying it too much. Sometimes i'll be dreaming normally, randomly, and suddenly i'll transition into being able to "consciously" act in them. A couple of times for instance i've dreamt of being around someone that i like, but i'm completely at the mercy of my unconscious. Then i'll transition into being able to an extent control myself, kissing someone, and really feeling it being reciprocated. It's definitely strange, though i'm glad that it happens. I've not experienced anything quite as extensive as your account though, perhaps with time :)

I'll have to try dropping into sleep during sleep paralysis, next time. I seem to get sleep paralysis at least once every couple of weeks lately, and i always end up fighting it - while i'm not scared of it anymore, i still dislike the lack of control and however irrationally (i don't really beleive in this kind of thing at all) my mind tends to go into "Oh-my-god-i'm-being-possessed-like-in-exorcism-of-emily-rose" mode, and some of the time i'll hallucinate that there's a black-hooded figure stood over me.
When I go into sleep paralysis...I feel staticy and also see static in the air...its weird...I shut my eyes and go strait into a lucid dream.


I loved reading your post! I have very lucid dreams and one where I am floating attached to a cord which is attached to my actual body, and I float about my house and into the street and many other places. It feels so wierd but I actually like it and when I return to my body its with a thump.

Sometimes I will start of in a dream that is completely normal and then the floor will open up and swallow me, it then becomes sensations, falling, feelings and noise, no images. I sometimes awake but am not really awake only to fall again into the bed until I awake for real. I find dreams and the dream state so fascinating!
That's cool about the cord! Is it like an umbilical cord?

I had a dream about popcorn and they were all little characters sitting around a fire. I was talking to one of them a child. He was crying and while he talked to me, what he said played out as a video game. It was similar to the original Nintendo Mario game. In the game his mom had set a trap for him in this one level. He got caught in it...and couldn't go was so unfair and he was really upset. Then as the dream faded and I was waking up the video screen was indigo and there was an Egyptian dog's face looking at me.
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