More threads by suewatters1

Yesterday my car repair bill was $900 then my computer crashes and I can't find lots of stuff then today I go to the hospital for 12:45 I haven't eaten since last night.
They wheel me in the corridor then give me IV then my hair net at 3:10 pm
Then I hear my DR not happy about something. At 3:20 pm they tell my surgery is canceled I will have to rebook.

That makes me so made that I want to drink and take my meds or do a self injury. I am so mad that even thought diabetes patients go first kids second. What happens to the people who have mental health issues and they are not mentally strong to deal with a cancellation of something? I have been waiting 8 months for this.

I am just so mad. Now I will have to rebook it or they will call me back. My best bet is to go to their office to speak to the secretary face to face because she gets busy and she doesn't answer the phone and she doesn't have an answering machine.

I am so :banghead::rant2::badwords:


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The best thing is to look after yourself so the surgery can be rebooked. When the doctors know you are healthy and strong enough it will be done then. IMO
I know it's not something I have done to cause them to cancel my surgery. It was that they were backlogged with some surgeries probably lasting longer then they should have. But still it make me mad waiting 8 months for this.
Another example of the effects our overburdened and underfunded medical system, i hope that they get you re-scheduled a.s.a.p.

Not the best of timing considering what happened with your car and your p.c. not that there is a good time to have a surgery canceled. On the upside, when it rains hard the sun will soon be shining.

Find something to take your mind of it that will make you feel better. Take care.


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It would tick me off too. But with SI the only person you hurt is yourself. Can you go for a run - something like that to work out the extra energy.
Thanks Robyn

Well to late to stop it.
Also the reason I get frustrated so much is the fact I don't have energy and strength since I got my disease. I could run for a block or two and be dead tired. I get frustrated at everything in life

Thanks Again



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I'm sorry Sue. I know this is frustrating. I would be angry and frustrated too. :support:

I've been in a similar situation recently when I had to undergo a surgery that was very scary for me. I had to wait 3 hours past the appointed hour (grant you, I know it's not the same as a cancellation). During those 3 hours, I had time to really get my anxiety going and was triggered by a few things. At the end of the day, these medical appointments are a necessary evil of taking care of ourselves...which is what I kept in mind as I was freaking out. :) I'm still waiting for those results (a biopsy) - and I'm ok with the wait for right now...still taking care of me, doing what it is that is necessary to keep myself in good shape physically.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. But I do hope that you'll keep the bigger picture in mind - you're taking care of yourself - that's the most important thing you can do right now. :hug: :hug:
Thanks Jazzey :)
I wish you the best of luck with your results.

With me the thing is I wasn't to nervous really but the longer it was taking for them to wheel me to surgery the more worried that I wouldn't have my surgery today.
Hi Jazzey I am tired.
I wish I hadn't done an SI but it's to late now. Now I got to go to the DR's office and find out when they can next schedule me in. As long as it's not on April 16th because I am leaving the 17th for Toronto.
It's when the Nurse said diabetes patients first then kids but after that it should be people with serious mental health issues. We don't need the aggravation.
Let us know when you get your results Jazzey



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I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be the 16th Sue. Try and see your doctor asap. In the meantime, I hope that you'll keep us posted.

Again, I know it's frustrating, but I also know that you're strong Sue...

I too am sorry Sue this has happened to you. It is very frustrating and yes i have seen it done so many times to patients on my floor. The doctors have emergency surgeries to deal with then everyone else gets back logged. Hopefully you will get in soon Sue take care mary


As long as it's not on April 16th because I am leaving the 17th for Toronto.

You may want to prepare yourself for that possibility, so that if you are told (and I hope it doesn't happen) that you are scheduled on the dates of your planned trip, that you are ready for that eventuality.

Now, what has to be considered is what might be the consequences of refusing that date because of your trip....would it demonstrate you are not that much in a hurry and possibly delay you even further? If you had to choose based on priority, is the trip worth sacrificing a surgery date?

There is no way to guess when the surgery might be scheduled...each doctor is alloted so many OR hours and there are usually a number of doctors needing OR time.

If you decide to speak to the secretary, remember the secretary is your ally, the person who can sometimes advocate for you or can just let things take their course. I am sure you probably have a good rapport with this secretary, so by dealing with her with kindness and respect, you are likely to get better results than if you take out your frustrations about the delay on her.

Let's face it...the secretary is only the messenger, doing her job.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I'm sorry that you've had this extra stress, Sue. I hope that it will go ahead for you very soon.

Please try to be gentle with yourself in the meantime. :hug:
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