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Hi, I need advice and encouragement to go through difficult circumstances.

I do have under confidence. I'm basically a shy person, takes time to mingle with others. Never the one to initiate conversation although I feel good in the company of people. Always struggling to feel good.

But I learnt to live with it all.

But things have been going badly for few years now. I struggle with the thoughts, I'm meant to be loser and never will I get anything I wish for.

I've been struggling with bad circumstances, and everyday I get up with anxiety and panic. I know i can't achieve anything, if i don't fight them.

I made a list of top 5 things I need in life and worked hard towards it. All the things turn out to be flops, i achieve more than 90% in each and at the end it is a total failure and everything turns upside down. I'm in a total mess,, feel utterly helpless and hopeless..The loss of all efforts and Feel bad to repeatedly let down my family and friends who have been supportive all the time.

whatever I wished, "I don't want to go thru those circumstances",., everything I'm made to face them exactly.
It has made me feel miserable.

I have accepted the reality at this moment. But I need support and optimism.I wish to achieve and realise my dreams..I don't want to go thru fears and dreads. Please help me to fight. Give me strength.


Re: Maintaining the positive attitude and possibility thinking

Hi Sadhana13,

First off, welcome to the forum. It's nice to have you here.

It sounds like you're carrying quite an emotional load, right now. That can be draining and overwhelming for even the strongest person. Do you have access to counselling or therapy of any sort?

Anxiety and panic can be assessed by your doctor, and s/he may be able to provide medication to help with those symptoms. Anxiety is really hard on your body, physically. I myself almost ended up in emerg a couple times last month because of it. I started on a low dose anti-anxiety med and it made the world of difference.

Would you be interested/comfortable in sharing with us the top five things you are working towards in life?


Re: Maintaining the positive attitude and possibility thinking

Hi Sadhana13,

First off, welcome to the forum. It's nice to have you here.

It sounds like you're carrying quite an emotional load, right now. That can be draining and overwhelming for even the strongest person. Do you have access to counselling or therapy of any sort?

Anxiety and panic can be assessed by your doctor, and s/he may be able to provide medication to help with those symptoms. Anxiety is really hard on your body, physically. I myself almost ended up in emerg a couple times last month because of it. I started on a low dose anti-anxiety med and it made the world of difference.

Would you be interested/comfortable in sharing with us the top five things you are working towards in life?

Thanks turtle for your time.
1.I've tried antianxiety medications before,,,,gives temporary relief. Reading,talking to friends help me better.. I feel it gives a better perspective.
2.I had contacted counsellor 1 year before,, she was nice. The major advice she gave was to follow my heart to overcome difficult circumstances. I felt good.

If somebody cud guide me through: I would like to share my circumstances: I know people can't change circumstances. But i have a feeling...I'm not managing life properly.

Four years back, I shifted abroad with my fiance. Unfortunately had a difficult breakup. Cudn't find a job, returned back home.
worked hard, saved money. When I contacted counsellor last year.. I made a list of 5 things.
1.Pass the membership exam of professional board to have better opportunities for job abroad., But cleared theory part both the times with flying colors, failed twice in practicals with a narrow margin. Bad luck, rather than lack of preparation. It matters alot how I answer at that moment. Probably I'm being complacent or overstressed due to difficult situations i'm in.
2.I shifted abroad last october, landed up in a dream job immediately. Stayed back there, borrowing money from friends and relatives. I repeatedly faced problems with paper work/immigration clearance. Although my employer supported me all through, i was unable to start on the job becoz of problem with immigration. I had to return back home. There are alot of jobs in my sector, but now i am stuck here. Don't know why I am inviting problems like this. Why things don't go smoothly for me.
3.Sense of loneliness.. I had found a new person.. But he is in difficult situation due to some family responsibility. things have become standstill. I feel stuck again.
4.Home and family: Obviously with all the above difficulties, i'm stuck.

If i have to rebuild life;
I wish for the same 5 things. I want encouragement and support constantly to see through life.


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Hi Sadhana and welcome to Psychlinks. :)

Your top 5 things are good goals for yourself. Sometimes life leads us down difficult paths. And somehow, we have to find the strength to keep trying to move forward.

As Turtle has suggested, I really think that, with all of these recent experiences, you would benefit from talking to your doctor, and going back to see your counsellor. Sometimes we just need that extra bit of support in our immediate lives.

We can support you here at Psychlinks too, but I think it may do you some good to have someone with whom you can talk to face-to-face, and see on a regular basis...:)


Thanks for your response.
I do understand life gives difficult circumstances, I need to fight.. This is where i need support and encouragement.
When things seem extremely difficult with physical symptoms of panic attacks I do take alprozolam. Definitely helps. But I resolve not to be dependent on medicines.
I feel alot better, just by being part of this group.I hope to share my experiences and receive further cheers.
Thanks once again.


I resolve not to be dependent on medicines

No one wants to be; however using medications combined with proper therapy to bridge over a crisis is not a sign of personal weakness. A correctly prescribed medication can ease the transition from crisis to recovery while making lifestyle changes guided by supportive therapy.

You have made some important first steps, and hopefully these discussions will be of some help.
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