Hi, I’m a high school graduate planning on starting my college career in a two-year college (Georgia Perimeter College). I’m interested in human/computer interactions as well as Cognitive Psychology. My questions and concerns regard my major.
I understand that the field of Psychology generally requires a Masters or preferably a Doctorate whereas in Computer Science you can generally get off with a Bachelor’s degree. What should I start my major as, Computer Science, Psychology, or something else? What kinds of classes should I take? Would it be a good idea to try and get a dual major in Psychology and Computer Science? What should I look forware to in Grad school (assuming I'm going)?
I understand that the field of Psychology generally requires a Masters or preferably a Doctorate whereas in Computer Science you can generally get off with a Bachelor’s degree. What should I start my major as, Computer Science, Psychology, or something else? What kinds of classes should I take? Would it be a good idea to try and get a dual major in Psychology and Computer Science? What should I look forware to in Grad school (assuming I'm going)?