Hello once again,
Last night i went into town for a few drinks with a friend,we were having a good time but things seemed to go wrong,wrong in so much as certain people i know and my ex knows have been very two faced and are spreading vicious and very damaging rumours about,now i may be slightly paranoid but people were looking at me in a disgusted manner,i tested myself by saying hello to a couple of them who both ignored me.These so called mutual friends that we have are being extremely destructive,they say hello to me,sit and talk with me or should i say pump me for information,act all nice then go away and tell my ex how i`m feeling or what i`m doing,so my ex finds out i`m doing well then tries to sabortage this in whatever way she can...these people are working for her like double agents,making me feel confused.
Last night i went into town for a few drinks with a friend,we were having a good time but things seemed to go wrong,wrong in so much as certain people i know and my ex knows have been very two faced and are spreading vicious and very damaging rumours about,now i may be slightly paranoid but people were looking at me in a disgusted manner,i tested myself by saying hello to a couple of them who both ignored me.These so called mutual friends that we have are being extremely destructive,they say hello to me,sit and talk with me or should i say pump me for information,act all nice then go away and tell my ex how i`m feeling or what i`m doing,so my ex finds out i`m doing well then tries to sabortage this in whatever way she can...these people are working for her like double agents,making me feel confused.