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i recieved a letter today telling me that as i had requested. a copy of my medical records has been made, and delivered to me once they reiceve a cheque for the disclosure fees.

now the thing that i cant make up my mind about is wether to do it or just leave it. its not the cost i dont mind paying what they want. its just at the time i made the request i was feeling very healthy and able ti read through something like that without worrying what is in my records.

but ive been feeling unwell just lately and if there is bad stuff in there or stuff that drags up some bad memoirys, i dont think i could cope. it would make me even more ill.

so there are two sides to it 1. I do get it: i dont want to have wasted there time with them getting copies of the records. and i may want to read it some day when i fell better. i can see my progress from the dr side of view

2.I dont get it: hopefully if i say i dont want it they will destroy the copy they made, meaning that only my doctors will ever see it. but if i get it, somebody else like a family member could get hold of it. and if i read it, it could have a majour effect on my state of mind and make me very ill again.

so what should i do? i need help to decide.

p.s. does anybody here also get the feeling like its cheating knowing all your doctors records? maybe i should talk to my doctor about it but i dont see him for months

Daniel E.
i dont want to have wasted there time with them getting copies of the records....hopefully if i say i dont want it they will destroy the copy they made, meaning that only my doctors will ever see it.

Ordinarily, when a fee is required, they don't make the copy until they get the money :) And, even if you waste a little of their time (assuming that's even possible), the office staff may likely get paid by the hour, increasing the likelihood they don't care either way what you request or don't request.
Last year I got a copy of my assessment I had in 2004 for ADHD. I saw the DR twice. So last year when I received a copy of his assessment it made me mad. It said in there that he thought I was low normal borderline intelligence. To me that sound like I am dumb. I am not dumb I am smart but I have a learning disability so I need to learn differently. This year I saw a shrink 3 times she thought I had anger problems which I don't I saw her only for 15 minutes per visit how does she guessed that? Probably from the counseling I had last year. I should get a copy of that report to see what they wrote about me because she got the wrong impression of me and I like to know why.
It's always good to look at the file to see if there is stuff in there they wrote which is not true so you can correct it.



im still in two minds. on one hand curiosity makes me want to know what they've been writing about me over the years. but then the other part of me doesnt want to risk knocking my progress back, by reading bad stuff and obsessing (i have pure o' o.c.d. and other things) about what that means about me. even though most of it is probably from a year or two ago, or more ago.

im really split about what to do.
I agree with Into the Light. I'm concerned that it will cause you harm to view them right now and, like you said, make you more ill. Personally I would wait or not do it at all.


if i sent them a letter saying i didnt want the copies. they would destroy them straight away right? i dont want them hanging about somewhere.


As Daniel said a lot of the places haven't even made the copies until they receive payment. They have probably pulled your file and have it compiled but haven't actually made the copies. Once the cheque is received then the copies will be done so no need for them hanging around.

This is at least in my professional experience.
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