More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Mental health workers told to stay away from disaster zone
by Louise Hall and Adele Horin, Sydney Morning Herald
February 11, 2009

Psychologists and other mental health workers have been told to resist the urge to independently travel to parts of Victoria devastated by bushfires to conduct debriefing or counselling sessions with victims and emergency workers.

The warning to "well-meaning but uninvited" volunteers came as mental health experts that warned people not directly affected by the disaster could also suffer psychological stress. The idea that trauma victims needed professional counselling in the immediate aftermath of an event was discredited by at least 11 separate research trials.

"What we've learnt is that the debriefing sessions either made no difference or stopped people from getting better," Grant Devilly, associate professor in psychology at Griffith University, and a trauma expert, said.

The empirical research has changed how governments in Australia and around the world respond to the emotional and psychological needs of trauma survivors. That did not stop 9000 "debriefers" rushing to New York to offer help after the September 11, 2001, attacks in the US but the city authorities kept them at a distance, and they were left "giving each other neck massages because they had no work to do", Professor Devilly said.

Health professionals volunteered their services immediately after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre and the 1997 Thredbo landslide, the Scientia Professor of Psychology at the University of NSW, Richard Bryant, said.

"The Victorian Government has got organisational channels in place to provide services, so we don't want mavericks sticking their noses in independently of what's been set up."

The Rural Workforce Agency Victoria is allocating medical staff to stricken areas in conjunction with the Health Department's Medical Response Organisation. The Australian Psychological Society says people who have lost their loved ones, animals or homes need "psychological first aid", which includes helping people obtain basic needs for food and shelter, emergency medical attention, contacting loved ones and directing people to government and non-government services.

It has instructed its members who live and work in communities directly affected by the bushfires not to directly encourage survivors to delve into deep psychological counselling or force them to talk if they don't want to.

"Post-disaster settings are not clinical environments," the psychological society said in an email to members.

What people needed in the aftermath was to talk to friends and family - if they wanted to talk - to get accurate information, and to have a sense of safety restored, as well as basic needs supplied, Professor Devilly said.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Google Maps updates on Victorian fires

Victorian fires update
by A Googler
Feb 10, 2009

Cross-posted from the Google Australia Blog. Here's the earlier post on mapping the fires.

To follow up our post on Sunday, and with the tragedy in Victoria continuing, we've updated our map of the Victorian fires to incorporate the latest available satellite imagery from the Modis Rapid Response project at NASA/GSFC. You can toggle the button "Show Imagery" to see their most recent satellite imagery of some affected parts of Victoria. The small red polygons indicate that a fire is still burning (as at the time indicated beneath the map ? 20 hours ago at the time of posting this).

We're continuing to try source the most hi-res imagery and fire data available and will update the map as soon as we get it (much of the satellite imagery is covered by smoke). We'll provide updates on the Google Australia Blog.
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