More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
7 Mindfulness and Psychotherapy Posts You Might Find Interesting
by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D.
Wed, August 10, 2011

Over the course of writing Mental Help blogs I have had the pleasure of writing about topics surrounding mindfulness, positive psychology, depression, stress, grieving, forgiveness, meditation, happiness, anxiety, OCD, and much more. Through your comments I have looked back and gathered 7 blog posts that cover a wide range of topics that I thought you might find interesting.

Thank you for following. Enjoy!
  1. Take My Advice, I’m Not Using It
  2. Panic Attacks, The 30-Minute Rule
  3. Depression: Getting Back to Basics
  4. 3 Steps to Say Goodbye to Old Beliefs that Keep You Stuck
  5. A Manifesto to Curb the Technology Trap
  6. How Mindfulness can Help You Walk Away from Stress Today
  7. Forgive for 'You'; 5 ways to get started today!
  8. This is it! Letting Go of Daily Struggle
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