More threads by boi


sorry for posting again. I just felt like i needed to. my moods are going downhill. My head is spinning with thoughts, conversations and songs. I couldnt sleep last night because of all the thoughts. I am getting agitated and irritable and very annoyed. I am trying to keep to myself. I think I might need a medication adjustment but I dont see my T for a few weeks still. I hope there is a cancellation. thanks for listening to me.


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Re: mood swings again

You never have to apologize for posting boi - that's what this forum is about.:) I'm sorry you're going through this right now. Is there any way that you can see either your T or your GP before the next appointment? On a kind of emergency basis?

In the meantime, have you tried coping mechanisms (exercise outdoors, breathing exercises) to help alleviate some of the symptoms?

I'm giving you a few of these for tonight too - :hug: :hug: :)

Daniel E.
Re: mood swings again

I think I might need a medication adjustment but I dont see my T for a few weeks still.

At least with most psychiatrists, you can call them and see if they want to do a med change before the next visit.


Re: mood swings again

i tried breathing last night but not long because the thoughts over power everything. I try to get them out of my head but they just come back. Mostly bad thoughts of course. what if what if what if and conversations back and forth and what am I going to say. Maybe its the increase of my antidepressant or not. The way I deal with it sometimes is to isolate myself and not talk to anyone.

boi added 0 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

At least with most psychiatrists, you can call them and see if they want to do a med change before the next visit.

maybe Ill try that
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Account Closed
Re: mood swings again

In the meantime boi - try and distract yourself as much as possible. Maybe stay here with us for a little while - keep the bad thoughts at bay boi.

Did something happen to bring you here recently? In the meantime, I'm searching in the BP section for some coping mechanisms for you. I'll post here when I find something for you.


Resident Canuck
Re: mood swings again

sorry for posting again. I just felt like i needed to. my moods are going downhill. My head is spinning with thoughts, conversations and songs. I couldnt sleep last night because of all the thoughts. I am getting agitated and irritable and very annoyed. I am trying to keep to myself. I think I might need a medication adjustment but I dont see my T for a few weeks still. I hope there is a cancellation. thanks for listening to me.

I can so relate Boi. I use to have all that run through my head too when I tried to sleep. :support: I am sorry you are going through that.

Do you have OCD as well?

I had to start taking Risperidal in a low dosage for a while to get them to stop.

Do you find your thoughts race more when trying to sleep? Say when you are laying in bed kinda waiting to fall asleep?

That is usually when it happens for me.

My only trick for that is for me to stay awake as long as I can, until I am completely exhausted then I got into bed and fall right asleep.

Again, I am sorry you are going through this.

I hope you get your appointment sooner with your Therapist.

:support: :hug:


Re: mood swings again

Did something happen to bring you here recently? In the meantime, I'm searching in the BP section for some coping mechanisms for you. I'll post here when I find something for you.

do you mean my frame of mind. the only thing that has changed is my medication. nothing else really
thanks for searching Jazzey. I can do it too thought I dont want to bother you


Re: mood swings again

I can so relate Boi. I use to have all that run through my head too when I tried to sleep. :support: I am sorry you are going through that.

Do you have OCD as well?

I had to start taking Risperidal in a low dosage for a while to get them to stop.

Do you find your thoughts race more when trying to sleep? Say when you are laying in bed kinda waiting to fall asleep?

:support: :hug:

Hey nicnak
I dont have OCD just bipolar II. I take risperidal already but a low dose. My thoughts race more when trying to sleep as well. Lying in bed, just like you. It took me around 3 hours to fall asleep yesterday and then waking up during the night with more thoughts.


Resident Canuck
Re: mood swings again

Boi, you are not bothering anyone :support: We are all here to help ease your discomfort in any ways we can :)


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Resident Canuck
Re: mood swings again

Hey nicnak
I dont have OCD just bipolar II. I take risperidal already but a low dose. My thoughts race more when trying to sleep as well. Lying in bed, just like you. It took me around 3 hours to fall asleep yesterday and then waking up during the night with more thoughts.

I was taking a low dosage too, just .5mg. Maybe the Risperidal just needs a bit of adjusting.

I had to phone my Psychiatrist this week to inquire on if I could raise my Effexor another step cause my depression was creeping in.

Maybe you can call your Therapist as Daniel suggested and inquire on that too?

Sometimes it depends on the the Doctor if they will agree with it and how long they have been seeing you and how well the know you.

I would still try though. There is no reason to suffer that Boi. I really feel for you.

I will say though, the racing thoughts can ease with time. Mine did. Sometimes the meds give a break from the severity, it helps us learn ways to cope with the edge off. Then later on, with a decrease in the meds, we can cope and manage without meds.

I just try to occupy myself with silly and funny things until I get really sleepy, then head to bed.

If I wake up again, I get up. Maybe have a warm bath to try to relax. If I don't feel myself sleepy I get up and play a computer game or watch a funny movie.

I hope this helps a bit Boi. We are here for you :support:



just wanted to add my thoughts being sent to you :hug:
Seeing the doc sounds like the best possible option to adjust your meds as necessary. I don't know if it would help you like it does me. I don't have BP but do ofen have obsessive thoughts and one thing that helps me is to play certain songs on my mp3 player. I choose particular songs that will uplift me and that actually help to change my mood and slow my thoughts - slow, harmonious ballads in particular.
Sending thoughts to help strengthen you at this time :hug: :flowers:
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