My name is Raymond Vacchino. As a concert-pianist, music therapist, teacher and author, I deal with individuals from all walks of life. I have Tourette Syndrome and my music is the best medicine I have on my side, even my doctor Paul Sandor, tells me this time and time again. As a Music Therapist I work with individuals who have TS and other disorders and concerns. I write articles about Music Therapy for the TSFC online forum and for the international online publication, "LATITUDES", whose editor is Sheila J. Rogers, best-selling author of the recently released book called "Tics and Tourettes, Breakthrough Discoveries in Natural Treatments." I have a Masters Degree in Music Therapy and in Piano Performance. I am a member of the American Music Therapy Association, and hold "professional status" designation. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and visions on music as therapy with all of you! I am proud to be a new member of Psychlink, and hope you will share your own thoughts with me and ask questions about how Music Therapy could become an alternative treatment for you and those you love and care so much about.
Musically Yours, Raymond
Musically Yours, Raymond